
Barclays Center rally honors Michael Brown

Several hundred demonstrators stood in silence at the spot where an unarmed black teen was shot dead by a white police officer one year ago, once again shining the spotlight on America’s troubled race relations.


A worthless police group on Facebook recently made headlines for mocking the death of Mike Brown in light of the one-year anniversary for the start of the turmoil in Ferguson. Public outrage over the killing led to massive demonstrations in the streets of Ferguson as their protests were met with rounds of tear gas and rubber bullets fired by police.

“Everybody grieves differently”, he told Sky News.

This weekend’s rallies in Ferguson and elsewhere were largely peaceful affairs, with police maintaining a low-key presence, though protesters were being urged to carry out acts of civil disobedience after midnight on Sunday.

More than 200 protesters carrying bullhorns, drums and signs demonstrated against police in Ferguson, Missouri, on Saturday night, with some placing the roasted head of a pig on a barricade in front of officers.

Darren Wilson, the police officer who killed Micheal Brown, was not indicted by the court.

Later in Manhattan’s Union Square, a huge board propped on an easel showed faces of blacks killed by police bullets since 1994.

Numerous events have been planned to commemorate the death of Brown, which took place on August. 9, 2014. “This was the epicentre of a movement, of Black Lives Matter”.

Hazel Bland, 51, who lives in the Canfield Green apartment complex near where Brown was killed, said she thinks about the shooting every day.

More than 100 people turned out for an interfaith prayer service Sunday afternoon in Ferguson.

Moments later, he and a friend were walking down the road when Wilson told them to move on to the pavement and the fatal confrontation ensued.

Aleem Maqbool reports from Ferguson. Federal officers concluded there was no proof to disprove testimony by Wilson that he feared for his security, nor was there dependable proof that Brown had his palms up in give up when he was shot. Several other unarmed black men have since died in cities including New York, Cincinnati, Baltimore, and Arlington, Texas. “We are here to pay our respects and we are also here to push city leaders for justice and to dismantle the new Jim Crow laws”.


In response to the study, both Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges and Police Chief Janeé Harteau said they believe the city needs to take steps to reduce this gap.

Officer involved shooting on West Florissant, following shots fired