
‘Basket of deplorables’: Hillary Clinton says of some Trump supporters

At a fundraiser Friday, Hillary Clinton threw down, calling “half” of Trump supporters “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it”.


The truth of the matter is the men and women that support Donald Trump’s campaign are hardworking Americans- farmers, coal miners, teachers, veterans, members of our law enforcement community, members of every class of this country who know that we can make America great again.

Clinton added: “He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric”.

“As long as Trump stays out of the way and doesn’t overshadow Hillary’s comment, her “basket of deplorables” comment should dominate the media in the coming days and runs the risk of negatively defining her campaign”, Heye said. “Obviously not everyone supporting Trump is part of the alt right, but alt right leaders are with Trump”.

The Republican nominee’s comments here came as he slammed Clinton’s handling of classified information during her time as secretary of state and lamented federal authorities’ decision not to charge Clinton after concluding a lengthy investigation.

“I support more special forces, enablers and trainers, as needed, intelligence gathering and reconnaissance” in the battle against jihadists, she said.

“It will be on the top of my list in dealing with China on how we’re going to prevent what could very well be a serious conflict with North Korea”, she said. The other “basket”, she said, is comprised of people who feel that the government and the economy has “let them down”.

“He’s taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party”, Clinton said in Reno, Nevada.

Appearing on a friendly venue, The View, Chelsea Clinton announced she would keep the family’s hand on the tiller of the Clinton Foundation, and dummied up on the crucial issue of conflicts of interest.

Clinton was walking away from a podium yesterday, then turned around, shook her head and smiled after a reporter teed up the question for her.

Comments about voters – especially at private fundraisers – have tripped up presidential hopefuls in the past. Obama said that small-town voters “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations”. Those remarks were seized on by Clinton, his primary opponent, as evidence that he was disconnected from many Americans.

Trump took to Twitter Saturday morning to blast the Democratic nominee for president, saying she was “so insulting” to his supporters.

Trump this week laid out a plan to spend many billions of dollars on bolstering the United States military, including more ships, planes and troops.

During a spirited speech focused on the LGBT community, Clinton also made a joke that referenced conversion therapy, type of counselling created to urge gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender children to change their sexual orientation.

Clinton has a campaign designed with a beginning, a middle and an end.


The thing is, Hillary Clinton would never use the words “I could shoot someone”. He proposed a court system for the military to handle sexual assault cases (it already has one) and he turned out to be wrong when he corrected a former service member on the number of monthly suicides by veterans (It’s 20, not 22, as Trump mansplained to the female vet).

Hillary Clinton Press Conference