
Batman Kills How Many?

That being said, I’m sure many of you are wondering what the biggest additions and changes are in the Ultimate Edition.


But now Ben Affleck’s Batman from Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice gets a kill count supercut all to himself.

In a few years time after Justice League and the solo Batman film, when Batman ascends to the throne he has constructed out of the skulls of his deceased foes, he’ll probably have killed quite a few more than the rest of his fellow Batmen combined. Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel” and “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” have shown both heroes taking a life (or, sometimes, multiple lives), and the director has even commented on his Batman’s lethal methods.

The video is very entertaining, especially when Batfleck gets side-eye from Christian Bale’s Batman. While in the comics, he’s famous for his “no-kill rule”, BvS’s Batman had no qualms about killing bad guys here and there. You can actually see the comparison for yourself thanks to Youtuber Mr. Sunday Movies. It seems his kill count is remarkably high.


“Batman v Superman” was a box office smash, even if it wasn’t a critical darling. It’s not realistic or grounded or whatever? Batman not killing people and not using guns is part of the character’s mythology; it’s been rooted deep in his psyche since he witnessed his parents’ murder as a child. Well, now the extended cut is available to buy on digital download (and arrives on DVD and Blu-Ray on the 17th), but how does it measure up?
