
Battenfeld: The dawn of a new direction for Donald Trump

Cruz tried to make nice Thursday morning at a Texas delegation breakfast, but was challenged by several Lone Star State delegates who wondered why he couldn’t either get on the Trump train or stay away.


“I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves”, he told delegates in Cleveland, Ohio.

Last night was the final day of the Republican National Convention.

The 71-year-old celebrity businessman’s acceptance of the Republican nomination caps his improbable takeover of the GOP, a party that plunges into the general election united in opposition to Clinton but still divided over Trump.

Trump repeatedly slammed Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent. The event was boycotted by many big-name establishment Republicans, such as 2012 nominee Mitt Romney and members of the Bush family that gave the party its last two presidents. “The criticism that we had that Donald Trump would fundamentally transform our party has happened, and some people might think that’s great”.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who formerly ran against Tump during the primary, attacked Cruz’s speech.

California delegate Shawn Steel said Ivanka Trump’s speech was “the high point of the entire convention for me”. She added, however, that she would reluctantly vote for Trump in November. Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort said he thought Cruz “made a mistake” and “used very bad judgment”.

The former Apprentice host is expected to stress that he is “your voice” and that while Clinton’s slogan is “I’m With Her”, he will choose to recite a different pledge: “I’m With You – the American People”. We also speak to 2012 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain about why he believes Trump is qualified to be commander-in-chief.

He refused to say if he would vote for Mr Trump, who publicly maligned Mr Cruz’s wife Heidi for her physical appearance and suggested that his father was linked to President John F. Kennedy’s assassin. “Never ever. My message is that things have to change, and they have to change right now!” he said.


“My father not only has the strength and ability to be our next president, but the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader this country needs”, she said. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio appeared by video, delivering brief remarks more directed at electing a Republican this fall than electing Trump. At the time, Cruz criticized Trump for involving his wife and Trump’s responded by accusing a super PAC affiliated with Cruz of sending a risque photo of Melania Trump to Utah voters.

Ted Cruz quickly becomes news at GOP confab