
Bay County’s Annual Veterans Day Parade

The United States Navy is the featured military branch at the parade.


Veterans Day committee Chairwoman Sharon Boyer said the decision was “heartbreaking”, but that the storm coming in Wednesday is too large and risky to risk holding the parade.

– 7:30 p.m.: Tampa Bay Lightning present Seats for Service for the game against the Calgary Flames. All are welcome to visit the memorial and pause for a moment of quiet reflection.

Murfreesboro: A rally to kick off a fundraising campaign for homeless veterans will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. The event, hosted by the Noon Exchange Club of Murfreesboro, will be at the Sportsmen’s Club on Medical Center Parkway. Lite refreshments will be served. An authentic American road show and radio broadcast featuring the live Hollywood Victory Caravan orchestra, and 42 of the greatest American songs ever written. The event is open to all Veterans, their family and friends, and the general public. A $10 donation is encouraged and will benefit the Branson DAV #68.

At 11 a.m. the parade will stop and a moment of silence will be reflected to honor all veterans in this community and beyond.

A special ceremony on the steps of the American Legion will happen at 9 a.m.

The school superintendent in Marshfield decided to make sure students don’t get homework in honor of Veterans Day.

HILLSBOROUGH VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK – 11 AM – The Annual Veterans Day of Remembrance ceremony will highlight JROTC students from several high schools including Bloomingdale, Chamberlain, Hillsborough, Middleton, Newsome and Riverview scheduled.


There will instead be a ceremony at the VFW located at Allen Road & Rockland Street at 11 a.m. Everyone who wants to attend should be at the post at 10:30 a.m. Please pass the word along.

Easton Veterans Day Parade Canceled