
BBB warns users to enjoy ‘Pokemon Go with caution’

It’s a fully detailed map with all of the PokeStops and Gyms at Montclair State. Some gamers, such as 22 year old Matthew Newbold tweeted his experience in visiting the church as part of his gaming experience, saying “Pokemon Go makes me such a better person”.


Thankfully, it turns out there is a way.

The app, which uses mapping software to create a virtual reality game, is getting children and adults out and about in their neighborhoods to “catch” the game characters as they pop up on phone screens from various locations.

Those interested in reporting a PokeStop or Pokemon Gym in a risky location or on personal property can do this on Niantic’s website as well.

Anybody have any good stories about their house/business/place of work becoming the center of Pokemania?

Although Pokemon Go is available for selected countries, many people are already looking for Pokemon Go tips and tricks.

Pokemon Go, which was released last week, is a free game played on a smart phone. Pokemon started life as a handheld computer game but went on to spawn a series of films, collectable cards and tons of merchandise.

Pokemon Go is a full-fledged social phenomenon, and like any craze, it’s causing its fair share of problems.

While Pokemon was already an extremely popular franchise, this game has managed to reach many people who’ve never previously played any video game, Pokemon or otherwise.

A Pokemon’s strength is determined by its “CP”, which can be increased via two methods: training at a local gym and by using “Stardust” on their Pokemon. If you are unsure if you are supposed to be somewhere then we recommend avoiding it. The players did not silently play the game, rather they shouted and disturbed many residents over the location, which made them call the Police.

Pokemon can appear anywhere: On the street.


Players can chose their trainers’ clothes and accessories and meet other players’ trainers in the Pokemon world.

Check out these weird places where Pokemon Go players have found a Gym or PokeStop