
Bear breaks into Colorado bakery and ate all the pies

Mikaela Lehnert, who runs the Colorado Cherry Company where the swoop took place, told KDVR: “He just made his way right in, hopped on top of the ovens and hopped down and had a feast”.


Bear breaks into a Colorado bakery and ate almost 40 pies.

The bear reportedly scarfed down 24 cherry pies, 14 apple pies, sugar and cocoa before taking off, leaving behind a huge mess and a trail of sugar and cherries.

With the stealth of a veteran burglar, the culprit found his way into the building at a point not covered by surveillance cameras.

The pie thief left empty boxes, crumbs and paw prints all over the kitchen.

Neighbours have seen a black bear around the property, but can not confirm if he is the one responsible for the raid.

But the bear was obviously a fussy eater; it left the strawberry-and-rhubarb pies completely untouched.

The the family has now boarded up the window to prevent a repeat attack.

“The damage could have been a lot worse”.

For while the cherry pies went down a treat, the strawberry and rhubarb pie just did not pass muster.

“Maybe he wasn’t feeling like a tart pie, I guess”, Mikaela added.

This is not the first bear incident for Ms Lehnert.


The bear did not realise the freezer nearby had more food.

A bear has broken into a Colorado bakery Colorado Cherry Company