
Behind closed doors, GOP strategizes on how to block Trump

Cruz said party leaders getting behind a brokered convention would be disastrous. Kasich said then that Trump had created a “toxic environment” with his incendiary rhetoric. “That’s a fantasy world. I don’t think they would sit there and resort, in fact I know they would not resort to violence, I know they would not do it. However, they would make sure their voices are heard, that they can’t be ignored”.


Meanwhile, several Republican-affiliated advocacy groups have upped their fundraising and spending efforts against Trump.

Cruz, acknowledging the tepid nature of Romney’s support, said the pledged vote enforces the idea that his campaign is the only one that can beat Trump, likening a vote for Ohio Governor John Kasich, the third remaining Republican contender, to tacit support for Trump.

Cruz has the backing of several of the most conservative Wisconsin state lawmakers, while Kasich has tapped Republicans who were at the height of their power in the 1990s to help him.

Some Republican leaders kept straining Thursday to come up with a way to stop Donald Trump’s likely ascent to the GOP presidential nomination while others seem headed for grudging acceptance.

“Younger people will tweet, they’re very active in terms of talking about the election, but historically, younger people turn in in much smaller percentages than older voters do”, Blanc said. “If you don’t have a majority, let’s chat”. So far, Trump has won 678 delegates. “A lot has happened”.

He or she must “must run and be elected as a delegate for one candidate who earned Minnesota delegates as a result of the precinct caucus presidential preference vote”.

Kaufmann considers a “brokered” convention and a “contested” convention to be two different things. Requirements for delegates differ from state to state, with some requiring them to be committed only for the first ballot and others for as many as three rounds of voting.

But Kasich can’t possibly get enough delegates to win the nomination by the convention…

A group of top conservatives, anxious about the nomination of Mr Trump, is reportedly meeting in Washington this week to discuss other options.

Basking in the glory of a string of primary election victories, businessman Donald Trump yesterday warned of unrest if the Republican Party tried to prevent him from becoming its presidential nominee.

Mr Cruz now has 397 delegates and Mr Kasich has 142.

“And if Kasich manages to pull enough votes in Utah to pull me below 50 percent, the effect of John Kasich will be giving Donald Trump 20 more delegates, which I think would be a big, big mistake”, Mr. Cruz said.


Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, hoped there is unlikely to be a brokered convention. The Boston Globe reported recently that Trump’s campaign is beginning to reach out to unbound delegates in U.S. territories like Guam and Puerto Rico to try to win over their support.

Donald Trump