
Ben Carson Compared Abortion To Slavery

“It was about control”, Carson said. He also spoke about the time, at 14 years old, when he “tried to stab someone” – a well-known story of Carson attacking a friend during an argument over preferred radio stations. Most, however, thought Trump was most electable.


Trump and Carson are also exchanging shots over religion after Trump told a crowd in Iowa of Carson’s faith: “I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about”. I do have a tendency to be relaxed.

“I wasn’t always like that”, Carson added. That’s just not a well you go to, you know? “I’m a Presbyterian and I had mentioned that, and I did say I don’t know about it. And in fact those are my exact words”, Trump said.

“Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery”. And, you know, fortunately … my life has been changed. “I feel like we’re very much saying that”. That point is reached quite a bit later than the moment of conception, obviously. He is flat out saying that he has exactly two modes – this current soft-spoken one, and the one that compelled him to go after his own mother with a hammer – and that if he’s pushed, it just might be hammertime.

His new book, A More flawless Union , deals with the United States constitution. He explained that Hitler’s goals would have been diminished if people were armed. When Meet the Press host Chuck Todd asked whose rights are more important, the mother’s or the unborn child’s, Carson said the problem is that “the mother should not believe that the baby is her enemy and should not be looking to terminate her baby”. “And that will be self-evident”. Carson said he was not comparing President Barack Obama to Hitler.

Think Progress: “Carson: Women Who Have Abortions Are Like Slaveowners”. He added that many in the Jewish community have told him he was exactly right. People make mistakes as teenagers, but going after people with rocks, bricks, and baseball bats are not incidents that should be brushed off and overlooked. And what if the abolitionists had said, “I don’t believe in slavery, I think it’s wrong, but you guys do whatever you want to do”? That’s what they do.

While Carson has gone on to be an advocate for pro-life values, the question remains: does he stand with his current comments or with his comments at the Maryland for Choice podium?


Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Carson said he “would love” to see the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion overturned.

FILE Ben Carson in an interview with Jake Tapper in September 2015. Courtesy CNN