
Ben Carson endorses Donald Trump, saying ‘We buried the hatchet’

Carson is endorsing Donald Trump today, which isn’t a surprise – he’s given lots of hints about doing so over the last few days, and since Trump stole Carson’s thunder and announced the endorsement during the debate last night it’s a bit anticlimactic to even throw a dog-and-pony show over it. The quiet thinker and the flashy showman?


“It adds total credence to what I’m trying to”, Trump said in introducing Carson during a news conference Friday morning.

Congressman Duncan Hunter Jr. believes that the popular derision of Trump has shamed many supporters from publicly declaring their support for the real estate mogul’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

Donald Trump said Friday that winning the endorsement of former rival Ben Carson is part of his effort to unite the party around his still-contentious candidacy.

The thing you need to understand about the Carson campaign is that the people who were on board with him from the start had come to the realization that by Christmas Carson was played-out as a presidential candidate.

On Friday, National Review endorsed Trump’s chief rival, Cruz, stating that: “He forthrightly defends religious liberty, the right to life of unborn children, and the role of marriage in connecting children to their parents – causes that reduce too many other Republicans to mumbling”.

In a statement on Friday, Wagner said that Republicans “must unite to win behind a strong, constitutional conservative like Ted Cruz”.

And Trump, who repeatedly expressed deep admiration for Carson, agreed with the doctor’s assessment of his vacillating personality.

The exchange illustrated the challenge Trump faces in defining himself for the broader electorate as he faces the transition from a bombastic primary candidate to the possible GOP standard-bearer in the general election.

Mr Trump is leading ahead of next Tuesday’s Republican primaries in OH and Florida when he could all but sew up the party’s nomination, which will be decided in July.

He’s spent much of the primary season making comments deemed offensive to minorities and women. “There’s the public version it seems to have worked over my lifetime”, he said.

I tried to explain to Carson supporters numerous times why I thought Ben Carson was a fraud.

He said that the man identified as John Franklin McGraw began hitting people, and the audience hit back. We move on because it’s not about me, it’s not about Mr. Trump.

Stay on topic – This helps keep the thread focused on the discussion at hand.

If you’re not familiar with the word “iconoclast”, it’s usually not used in a positive light, which will become clear as you look up the definition, which according to Merriam-Webster is “a person who criticizes or opposes beliefs that are widely accepted”.


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Ben Carson to endorse Donald Trump on Friday