
Ben Carson gains support as the other political outsider

Carson was there for the Freedom Conference where supporters from across the region were excited to hear his message.


Republicans eager to elect a non-politician for president are decidedly open to the low-key retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a new survey shows.

He addressed more than 2,000 people at a rally in Little Rock, Arkansas, on Thursday.

A press secretary for his campaign did not respond to a request for comment to confirm that Carson was talking about abortion.

Dr. Carson has been taking heat lately over allegations that he used fetal tissue during his illustrious medical career. He added: “I hope we’ll get a chance during the next debate to actually talk about them“. He said he believes the current tax system is “asinine”. The soft-spoken Carson jokes about how little attention his approach is getting. And do you know of all the nations in the world, this one, the United States of America, is the only one big enough, great enough to allow all of those people from all of those backgrounds to remember their dreams.

“A lot of people like to denigrate our country, and they like to talk about things that have happened in the past, mistakes that were made in the past”, he said.

Carson, however, says he’s “not trying to trying to distinguish myself as the outsider”.


Consider a recent survey by TargetPoint Consulting, a top Republican polling and data-research firm.

Danny Johnston  AP