
Ben Carson joins Donald Trump in threatening to leave GOP

In an article published on Thursday, Republican officials met Monday to discuss the possibility of Donald Trump leading the delegate count and that “the party’s establishment must lay the groundwork for a floor fight in which the GOP’s mainstream wing could coalesce around an alternative”, The Washington Post reported.


Several petitions are now circulating online, demanding Trump be disinvited to the luncheon where he is scheduled to be the keynote speaker.

Trump’s most recent outrageous policy suggestion is his plan to temporarily prevent American Muslims now overseas from re-entering the country-a policy his campaign quickly reversed after Trump received significant backlash from countless prominent members of his own party.

There are other hints Republicans are gearing up for a potential brokered convention.

Third-party candidates might poll well early in the campaign. Many Muslim friends of mine are in agreement with me. The Republican party’s 2012 vice presidential nominee said that Trump’s statements are not what his party stands for, and more importantly not what the United States stands for. I am prepared to lose fair and square, as I am sure is Donald. This development was instantly leaked to the Washington Post, presumably by someone believing it would send a “help’s on the way!” message to Republicans anxious about a party veering out of control.

Trump said he loves the Middle East and the people there. But Chabot, a committee chairman who’s close to direction, warned the party needed to exhaust every opportunity to ensure Republicans conquer Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton on Election Day. Ryan added, “All the while I will stand up for what I believe”.

This isn’t the first time Trump has appealed to racism to dominate the news cycle, stir up his white, lower-middle-class base, and put rivals on the spot.

However, a number of GOP lawmakers interviewed for this story say talk of a brokered convention amounts to only speculation that was silly.

Even Trump rival and vocal critic Jeb Bush would not go as far as to take back his pledge to support whoever wins the GOP nomination, only saying that Trump is “not going to be the nominee”.

In all, he says, the candidate would need support from about 600,000 voters across the country to get on all ballots.

“We have a main system”.


Earlier this week the speaker strongly denounced Trump’s proposed ban on all Muslims from entering the U.S. The fractured GOP field indicates that even frontrunner Trump – polling at around 30 percent – could have trouble securing an outright majority of delegates before Cleveland.

How Paul Ryan Aids and Abets Donald Trump