
Ben Carson’s Phoenix Event Moves to Larger Venue

Dr. Ben Carson reportedly attracted 12,000 people to a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, on Tuesday night, topping the crowd Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders attracted to the same space in recent weeks.


Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson slipped into Tucson this afternoon to have lunch with more than a dozen supporters.

The CNN survey comes after polls in Iowa and New Hampshire show Trump leading in those two states in the wake of the August 6 debate and the businessman’s highly publicized dispute with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly.

Carson changed venues for the Tuesday event to accommodate what his campaign said was a boost in interest.

“Rounding up 11 million people and deporting them, you know it may sound good to some people, but that’s not pragmatic”, the retired neurosurgeon told listeners.

“The fact of the matter is we do have an illegal immigration problem in this country”, Carson said. “That doesn’t make any sense”.

Ever since his impressive showing in Cleveland, Carson has been drawing some huge crowds who are coming out to listen to his message of shrinking the federal government, sealing the border, and bringing about an end to ISIS.

Carson’s solution is a guest-worker program that includes paying taxes and a back-tax penalty.

“All the pundits say it’s impossible”, Carson said, “Lord, if you want me to do it, open the doors and I will walk through”. His campaign though claimed 15,000 attended.


Carson is the third presidential candidate to visit Arizona this summer, after Trump and Democratic contender Sen.

GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson in Phoenix