
Ben Carson threatens to leave GOP

On Thursday, The Washington Post reported that several high ranking GOP delegates met to discuss the possibility of a brokered convention, meetings Carson claimed would eventually “destroy the party”. A person familiar with who attended the dinner confirmed to Bloomberg that it took place, and that Priebus, members of Congress, establishment lobbyists and others have held similar discussions for weeks.


Former neurosurgeon and presidential hopeful Ben Carson sent a scathing message to the leaders of the Republican Party over a report of a possible brokered convention that made media waves this week, saying if the story proves true, he might abandon the GOP.

Yet, after Trump called for an indiscriminate “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States-in the latest expression of his xenophobia and bigotry-Ryan sounded like an indulgent parent talking about a troublesome child.

“If they don’t treat me as the front-runner – by far the front-runner – if the playing field is not level, then certainly all options are open”, Trump said. “I intend to win”, Trump said. Trump, and many in the Republican Party, narrowly define democracy to include only people like themselves.

Spokesman Doug Watts said Carson was appalled at reports suggesting that Republican leaders were trying to manipulate the party’s presidential nominating process.

Three party officials said Priebus was asked at the dinner if the party was prepared for a brokered convention, and Priebus said he was. Similarly, many think a potential Trump independent candidacy could draw substantial support away from the eventual Republican nominee, giving Hillary Clinton a clear path to the White House over both candidates by a wide margin.

A Trump third-party run would be very bad news for the Republican Party.

The 2012 vice presidential nominee argued that in the absence of a single national leader it was up to congressional Republicans to lay out a pro-growth agenda and draw a contrast with Democrats in 2016. The invitation is not an endorsement by the state party, Gleason said, but it could encourage more than 300 to show up at the Plaza Hotel event. “We’re going to have a nominee probably by the end of March or the beginning of April”, he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press”.

Sean Spicer, RNC chief strategist and communications director, sought to reassure Carson on Friday. “I hope it’s not going to be that way”.

‘Some of our best and biggest allies in this struggle and fight against radical Islamic terror are Muslims, ‘ Ryan said.

The most reasonable assumption is that the party leadership – in concert with Trump’s rivals as well as allied groups and donors – gradually will convince enough of the rank-and-file that Trump’s nomination would lead to electoral disaster in November.


“I’ll be disadvantaged”, he continued.

Some GOP insiders are hoping a candidate not named Trump catches fire in an early primary state