
Ben Carson threatens to leave party; FURIOUS over report GOP establishment

All this follows a report in the Post Thursday that said “several longtime Republican power brokers” want party leaders to lay the groundwork for a floor fight that would focus the might of the GOP’s mainstream supporters around an alternative to controversial billionaire Donald Trump.


Finally, Ben Carson assured that it the Republican National Convention leaders will try to manipulate the result of the race for the White House, next summer’s Cleveland convention will be last one he will attend as a GOP member.

Retired neurosurgeon and presidential candidate Ben Carson has threatened to leave the Republican Party amid reports a meeting of party bosses included discussions of a brokered convention. Party officials agreed during the private dinner to review contingency plans should multiple candidates remain viable leading into the July convention, according to the same attendee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss a private meeting. “I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party”.

Carson blamed leaders from both political parties for creating the current political climate in which he and Trump have thrived as outside candidates since their campaigns began earlier this year.

“So whatever it’s that makes that more likely to occur, I am for it. I don’t know if it is a brokered convention or not”, Chabot told The Hill.

But Sean Spicer, the RNC’s chief strategist and communications director, suggested that the dinner account was overblown and tried to reassure Carson on Friday, CNN reported.

“I watched what Ben said”. After Reagan’s two terms, the establishment has controlled every nomination process until this one.

The question is, if a brokered convention does happen, will he run as an independent like The Donald is threatening to do?

Trump’s lead has flummoxed party officials, who are concerned that his bombastic comments on immigrants, women and Muslims will hurt the party’s brand.

A WBUR poll released on Friday showed Trump with a double-digit lead in the first primary state New Hampshire but continued to face increased competition from other candidates including: Chris Christie, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.


Carson reiterated his pledge not to run against the Republican nominee during an appearance on Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto later Friday, saying “I would never do that”. This would start a process where candidates will have to cut deals to sway delegates and as successive votes are made until a candidate has won a majority of ballots. “I would support any reasonable idea to find a better nominee”. But Salmon said he has a bigger problem with the current primary system, where the late-voting Grand Canyon State has little ability to help pick the nominee.

Donald Trump