
Ben Carson: Unable to process foreign policy?

He also said Mr. Carson needed weekly conference calls briefing him on foreign policy so “we can make him smart”.


On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives, defying a veto threat by Obama, overwhelmingly passed Republican-backed legislation to intensify security screenings of Syrian refugees and suspend the program to admit 10,000.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Thursday that blocking potential terrorists posing as Syrian refugees from entering the akin to handling a rabid dog. Carson was unable to identify any country that USA should recruit in a coalition against the Islamic States.

In an interview with PBS NewsHour on Tuesday night, Mr Carson said that calling Mr Clarridge an adviser “would be a great stretch”.

“We have to have in place screening mechanisms that allow us to determine who the mad dogs are, quite frankly”, he added.

More recently, the Carson Campaign has shown its ability to look bad extends to domestic concerns too.

Ben Carson has falsely claimed that the USA lacks a vetting system for Syrian refugees, rushing to join the growing xenophobic hysteria in the wake of last week’s terror attacks in Paris. In turn, The Times pointed out that Carson’s own team had touted Clarridge as a foreign-policy hand.

“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before”.

It’s an analogy that will likely give more ammunition to Carson’s critics, who have questioned his foreign policy expertise.

Carson subsequently said those comments were “tongue in cheek” and that he hopes his advisers are not, in fact, better. You had to be able to fly some planes. “I think that applies to every aspect of our lives, particularly in a rapidly changing world”.

Dees’s portrait of Carson was different from Clarridge’s.

Carson’s view is in line with the other GOP candidates who have opposed taking in Syrian refugees. As his numbers have risen in the polls, Carson has faced increased scrutiny from media organizations and interviewers who question his experience and beliefs.

Pressed on the source of his information about Chinese weaponry, Carson answered: “My advisers, I have advisers who are former military people and advisers who are former Central Intelligence Agency people”.


Top adviser Armstrong Williams, described as a close Carson friend, sounded more like a frustrated foe as he detailed Carson’s struggles. “I don’t want someone incapable of learning foreign policy when we have ISIS, when we have Iran, when we have all of these problems”, Trump said, a charge he repeated when speaking to the crowd shortly thereafter.

Ben Carson Admits He Needs To Learn Foreign Policy