
Ben Carson Wants Puerto Rico To Become A State

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson traveled to Puerto Rico on Sunday to support the US territory becoming the 51st state, saying that would strengthen the United States.


Carson attended a political rally of statehood supporters and pledged to advocate for statehood for the island.

“In order (to) have to, you know, remain revenue neutral, we would have to make that rate at about 15 percent, and eliminate all the deductions and all the loopholes”, he told the network, which is hosting a televised Republican debate on Tuesday.

Carson’s appearance was held in conjunction with an event for Ricky Rosselló, who is running for governor as part of Puerto Rico’s pro-statehood New Progressive Party.

Although Puerto Rican citizens are not able to vote in the general election, they are allowed to participate in primary elections.

In August, the US territory went into default for the first time in history, paying a measly $628,000 of the $58 million owed, according to CNN.

Carson suggested statehood would turn things around. Carson stated that the economic problems stemmed from an “un-level playing field” and that upon joining the union, they would see financial recoveries compared to those seen from Hawaii and Alaska.

Those supporting statehood reason that inclusion for Puerto Rico in the USA would provide equal treatment on issues like federal Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements, while those against are wary of risking the island’s independence and cultural identity.


The Carson campaign has had to revise statements the candidate made about being offered a full scholarship to West Point in his youth. ‘If you’ve got a real scandal, if you’ve got something that’s really important, let’s talk about that’.
