
Ben Carson: Woman Having Abortion Like a Slave Owner

The presidential hopeful added that if a woman simply had an unwanted pregnancy, they should not have the right to terminate it. He compared it to slavery, despite acknowledging that “I know that’s one of those words you’re not supposed to say, but I’m saying it”. ‘Anything that they chose to do.


Ben Carson has once again used slavery as an analogy. And what if the abolitionists had said, ‘You know, I don’t believe in slavery, I think it’s wrong. I wasn’t always like that.

“Rape or incest, I would not be in favor for killing a baby because the baby came about in that way”, Carson stated. “But you guys do whatever you want to do?”

“I’m a reasonable person”, Carson remarked.

In October 2013, Carson said Obamacare “is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery”.

“I think that means that when we appoint judges, we need to look at their record, and see what is their record of interpretation of the Constitution”. “I’m a reasonable human being and if people can come up with a reasonable explanation of why they would like to kill a baby, I’ll listen”, Carson asserted on NBC’s “Meet the Press”.

“Noah Webster said that America would never suffer under tyranny if people were armed”, Carson said, repeating an oft-quoted line from the campaign trail.

“From the indications I got, they did not rush the shooter”, he said on “CBS This Morning”.

Carson went on to say that he does not believe that homosexuality is innate, and supports states’ rights to sanction gay marriage and the right of individual states to deny gay marriage in their respective jurisdictions.

Ben Carson has surged ahead of Donald Trump in recent Iowa polls, with Chris Wallace calling him the frontrunner there, citing an 84 percent favorability rating in a Quinnipiac poll on Fox News Sunday.

Referring to that medical career, as he has often done when asked about his lack of experience in elections or public office, he said: “I will tell you, in terms of energy, I’m not sure that there’s anybody else running who’s spent 18 or 20 hours intently operating on somebody”.


In a few of his most strident comments yet on the issue, Mr Carson said the only reason to permit abortion was if it could be shown that the mother’s health was seriously threatened if the pregnancy were continued.
