
Benin pledges 800 troops to anti-Boko Haram force

“Consequently, a large number of the insurgents were killed and several others injured”, Air Commodore Dele Alonge, director of public relations and information for the NAF, said in a statement Sunday.


The new multinational force, whose troops Abbah said would be deployed “any time from today”, is expected to be more efficient than the regional offensive launched in February.

The navy has preserved another 59 hostages from Boko Haram hide-outs in Borno State during raids in which gave the look of a rejuvanted energy to turn out insurgency in the northeast. This operation against Boko Haram Islamists was started two weeks ago.

“I was head of a military that lacked the relevant equipment and motivation to fight an enemy that was invisible and embedded with the local populace”, Badeh said.

The force will contain troops from Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger and Chad, with Benin also committed to help.

According to a report in Vanguard, President Yayi will be supporting the Nigerian government with a total of 800 troops to join a new multinational force tasked with fighting Boko Haram militants.

Between July 12 and July 25, Cameroon’s far north, on the border with Boko Haram’s Nigerian strongholds, suffered three suicide attacks-two in the regional capital, Maroua- leaving at least 44 people dead. The video also shows the beheading of a man in military fatigues said to be a Nigerian soldier.

Among the purposes for the Benin trip was for President Buhari to draw support for the war against Boko Haram terrorists in the sub-region.

Cameroon in turn has complained that its efforts to combat Boko Haram have been hampered by Nigeria’s refusal to grant its forces the right to pursue the militants onto its soil.

Alayi Wari, who fled his home in Fitinewa on Lake Chad for Nigeria, told AFP Boko Haram had stormed 10 villages in the past month, and that the army has since recaptured seven.


Buhari visited Cameroon this past week in an effort to smooth over differences over cross-border pursuit and then to Benin.

Benin pledges 800 troops to anti-Boko Haram force