
Benjamin Netanyahu anti-Iran drive strains US ties

The U.S. Zionist lobby is to spend $25 million in an effort to turn American public opinion against President Obama, their own elected head of state, in a bid to encourage war against Iran and the inevitable deployment of Israeli nuclear weapons.


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An overwhelming majority of Americans oppose providing any special compensation to the state of Israel in order to assuage its concerns about the Iran nuclear deal.

There’s no shortage of condemnations across Israel and throughout the Diaspora; now it is time for the prime minister to lead, and that means full enforcement of the law and equal justice for all, not one standard for Jews and another for everyone else. “And this is liable to hurt Israel itself”. “We are to a large extent isolated in the world at the moment…”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and President Reuven Rivlin attend a ceremony on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, Israel, on May 17, 2015.

“I think that Israeli officials should make the case on the content and the substance of the Iran deal and we will do a good job translating it into activity”, Hoenlein said in a meeting Thursday with several Israeli reporters, according to Haaretz.

“I’ve already experienced similar things in my life”, he said. These people who are getting riled up and attacking me have no middle ground.

He also said that several foreign ministers from the countries involved in the deal told him privately that they were uncomfortable with the agreement.

“If you are against them, they seal their ears and don’t hear anything”, the president said.


“Dividing up the pie is important but much less so than enlarging it, because the pieces that go to each citizen will be much bigger if the pie is enlarged”, Netanyahu said. One letter called the NIF “traitors with not a drop of Jewish blood” and “Nazi dogs”, adding: “I’ll organise a small massacre for you”. We are sitting here among other nations.

Israel ex-security chiefs urge Netanyahu to accept Iran deal