
Bernie Asked If He’s Thwarting History

Fresh off her double-digit loss in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton sought to undermine surging rival Bernie Sanders in Milwaukee yesterday, arguing that his expansive agenda for government action on healthcare, college costs and infrastructure investments is both impractical and far more costly than he has said. “One of us ran against Barack Obama”, he fired back at Mrs Clinton.


But you know what?

In her closing remarks, Clinton described herself as “not a single-issue candidate”, while Sanders made an appeal for Americans to take part in his “political revolution”.

Sanders says senators have right to disagree with president. Of the 10 percent of undecided respondents, 87 percent say that Clinton’s failure to disclose foreign government donations to her family’s foundation make them less likely to support her. More than three-quarters say the same about her support for the 2008 Wall Street bailouts and subsequent paid speeches at investment banks. Clinton doubted the feasibility of Sanders’ proposals.

Long viewed as the overwhelming front-runner in the Democratic race, Clinton has been caught off-guard by Sanders’ connection with Americans frustrated by the current political and economic systems.

But Clinton said changing sentencing laws must also come with more job opportunities and improved housing. “Like rich kids, they deserve to get a free education”, said Sanders.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Sanders countered that Clinton’s claims are inaccurate, and he talked up his idea of higher taxes on Wall Street and having the wealthy to pay for his plans.

Calls by both for judicial reform; minority voters in view.

“White people?” Sen. Bernie Sanders quipped with mock indignation, triggering laughter from the crowd. “I do not expect it from someone seeking the Democratic nomination”, Clinton said.

I’m very proud of the fact that we have more than 750,000 donors, and the vast majority of them are giving small contributions….

Nevada and SC, states with large minority populations, vote next. That helped steer PBS moderators Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff and the two candidates toward an expansive discussion of racism, poverty, immigration and policing. We’re spinning around. Hi. Hi. And Jeb Bush’s campaign called in his brother and former President George W. Bush to join him in the state on Monday.

Who do you think had the edge in last night’s debate? “I was not that candidate”.

“Based on every analysis I can find by people who are sympathetic to the goal, the numbers don’t add up”, Clinton told Sanders. That didn’t work out so good. “Bernie, are you anxious you are thwarting history here by denying Mrs. Clinton a chance to be the first woman president?” No, it’s not the evil rich people. “I will do everything I can to make certain that the United States and our courageous men and women in the military do not get bogged down in perpetual warfare in the Middle East”, he said.


The two are competing for support from Democrats in the March 1 Colorado caucuses-along with several other states that could be close.

Morning Reads: Ceasefire in Syria? And the Latest Democratic Debate