
Bernie Sanders Brought To Tears By Brother’s Vote At Dem Convention

She says she understands the passion people feel for Sanders, noting that “no one’s more passionate” than she is, but she doesn’t see Clinton winning the nomination as a defeat for Sanders or his supporters. Should she win on Election Day, her husband will step into a singular role in American history: first gentleman.


On a night awash in history, Hillary Clinton triumphantly became the first woman to lead a major American political party toward the White House, breaking through a barrier that painfully eluded her eight years ago.

Former President Bill Clinton sought to humanize Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and paint her as a change agent during his Tuesday night address to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

“Based on her ideas and her leadership, Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States”, Sanders said.

“Vermont will put her over the top”, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin said.

It’s counties, not the Secretary of State, that tally votes, and there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud.

“The litany of Wasserman Schultz’s offenses during the primary was familiar to supporters of Sanders and other Clinton rivals: scheduling debates at odd times, shutting Sanders out of the party’s data file, stacking convention committees with Clinton supporters”, wrote the Atlantic.

The senator’s brother Larry, who lives in England, cast the delegate votes for Democrats Abroad and remembered their parents, seeming to bring tears to Bernie Sanders’ eyes.

Delegates thrust placards in the air, forming a mosaic of “H’s” that coated the stadium floor. Civil rights icon John Lewis, a congressman from Georgia, seconded the nomination.

Monday saw disruptive protests and a rancorous fight over leaked emails that showed party bias against Sanders. Thousands of his supporters chanted his name, waved signs, and booed until they drowned out speakers.

Vice President Joe Biden, who will address the convention Wednesday along with President Barack Obama, dismissed concerns the party was not uniting behind Clinton.

“Some held a banner that read “#BS 2016!” and placed tape over their mouths insisting they’ve been silenced during the primary – a reference to the email hack that showed the DNC’s hostility toward the Sanders campaign.

“She’s not entitled to the presidency – no one is – and that’s all we’re asking for is fair”, said a delegate from Texas outside the convention.

He said she “rejected” his advice to “pursue her own career” after his third proposal and hoped that it was “a choice she’d never regret”.

Chief among them will be former president Bill Clinton, who will take the stage during primetime to hail his wife as a “change-maker”, the official said. “So for me to be here to support the first woman nominee and what I believe will be the first woman president means everything to me”.

“She didn’t get angry or disillusioned”.

“He’s like a Moses”, she said.

Clinton backers have long argued that if voters only knew her as those close to her do, they would find plenty to like.

He said Clinton had been a political activist since the couple’s early days as law students together.

Trump cheered the disruptions from the campaign trail.

Later, as images of 44 male presidents flashed on a Jumbotron, Hillary Clinton addressed the Philly crowd via satellite from NY.

“This is a very emotional day for me”, she said.


A demonstrator starts a fire during a protest outside the Democratic National Convention.

DEM 2016 Philadelphia