
Bernie Sanders campaign raises $20 million in January, sets record

Hillary Clinton’s campaign organization covering Iowa’s 99 counties was said to be one of the best ever, and it got the job done on Monday, propelling the former NY senator to a narrow victory over the insurgent Bernie Sanders: 49.9% of caucus-goers vs. 49.6%.


Those numbers are awarded proportionately, based on statewide and congressional district voting, as Iowa Democrats determine their 44 delegates to the national convention.

Sanders, in his turn at the microphone, offered himself as the true reformer, saying he was ready to press a “radical idea” – an economy that for works for working families, not the “billionaire class”.

A debate in New Hampshire on February 4 was proposed by MSNBC and the New Hampshire Union Leader newspaper.

On the Republican side, Ted Cruz directed much of his final advertising against the Florida senator in the frenzied weekend prelude, feeding a Republican feud that turned increasingly bitter in the final days. A Saturday poll by the Des Moines Register and Bloomberg Politics found Clinton with a 3 point lead over Sanders, well within the survey’s margin or error.

The Republican race appeared headed for a three-way contest between Trump, Cruz and Rubio. There was more drama inside, as a small group of protesters interrupted him and Mr Trump joined the crowd in chanting “USA” to drown out the discord. “Amnesty. The Republican Obama”.

“The desperation kicks in”, Rubio said in response. “From my experience, when people start attacking you it’s because you’re doing something right”.

If there is an upside for Clinton, it is that she can now head into New Hampshire claiming underdog status, a role she has relished in the past and one that paved the way for Granite State comeback in 2008.

With the Democratic contest a likely toss-up, Sanders told a Manchester rally that the outcome depended on how many Iowans invest the time and energy to make it to caucus sites. The caucuses are held at schools, churches and even private homes. “To really think hard about what the Democratic party stands for and what we want the future of our country to look like”. “We will lose the caucus on Monday night if there is a low voter turnout”.

People have always said Vermont Sen.

Bill Clinton did not mention principal rival Sen. She finished third in the caucuses and her days as the prohibitive favourite for the nomination faded. Mr Sanders earlier declared the email flap a non-issue in his mind, but it has still raised questions among voters about Mrs Clinton’s honesty and integrity.

A surge in support for Mr Sanders at this stage could seriously undermine Mrs. Clinton’s aspirations for success, and release yet more funding and support for a more liberal Democratic vision.

And like eight years ago, when she lost the Hawkeye State and eventually the nomination to Barack Obama, Clinton has been surprised by an upstart candidate with an enthusiastic following.

As secretary of state, Clinton presided over a key piece of the government’s reaction to the deadly 2012 assaults on a diplomatic compound and Central Intelligence Agency quarters in Benghazi, Libya.

It continued: “We have to stop this!”


Trump edged out Cruz to gain the support of the 2 in 10 wanting a candidate who can bring needed change, while Rubio was the top choice of the 2 in 10 who said they want a candidate who can win in November.

Hillary Clinton on Her Biggest Political Regrets