
Bernie Sanders confirms Clinton endorsement talks

“That political movement is going to go on – it isn’t going to bury itself in the graveyard alongside Hillary Clinton”, Stein stated.


The current draft of the platform already shows Sanders’ influence, as it endorses steps to break up large Wall Street banks, advocates a $15 hourly minimum wage and urges an end to the death penalty.

The Daily Caller reached out to the Sanders campaign for comment, but have not received any response by press time.

Noticeably absent from the list is Sanders’s single-payer healthcare initiative, a proposal the committee also rejected last month.

Part of the confusion for readers trying to negotiate what is real could be occurring because the interview from July 6 between Wolf Blitzer and Bernie Sanders on CNN was not a complete video clip when it was placed online.

Plans for that joint appearance could still fall apart, and patience is running thin among some – with Sanders insistent on policy concessions and Clinton aides feeling he’s lingered in the race too long after Clinton became the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Two new Hillary Clinton ads characterizing Donald Trump as unqualified to be president will start airing on Nevada’s television airwaves, her campaign announced today.

According to a survey released by Pew Research Center, Clinton beats Trump by nine points – 51 percent to 42 percent.

“I’ve invited Bernie to sit down explore collaboration – everything is on the table”, she said.

In Unity, it wasn’t close; Sanders won there, 201-67. Wolf Blitzer then says “so it is over”.

Meanwhile the victor of this nomination fight, Clinton, is happy to allow all those details to work themselves out.

“It is the policy of the Democratic Party that the Trans-Pacific Partnership must not get a vote in this Congress or in future sessions of Congress”, reads the proposed language from the Sanders camp. Sanders wants strong opposition to the deal included in the platform, while Clinton has opposed that, since the massive trade pact remains a priority of the Obama White House.

Sanders could take these issue fights to the Democratic convention and his campaign is making sure it is ready to do so.

“Sources from both sides said the talks have been more focused on getting Sanders and his wife, Jane, acclimated to the idea that his revolution came up short – and it’s time for him to play a supporting role in the fight against Trump”, Politico’s Annie Karni reported.


The next platform committee meeting is happening Friday and Saturday in Orlando, Florida.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders holds up his notes while speaking about his attempts to influence the Democratic party's platform during a speech in Albany New York U.S