
Bernie Sanders delegates from CA heckle speakers during DNC

“We are not afraid”.


Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen.

Clinton called on Americans to consider Donald Trump’s “temperament”.

Trump also knocked Clinton on the economy, saying the world would have corruption and “no borders, no jobs, no safety” under her administration.

Speaking at the final night of the party’s convention in Philadelphia, the first woman nominated by a major party said there were huge challenges. Since then, every time I have seen her, she has been consistently friendly and open to conversation. “Let me ask you, have you even read the United States Constitution?”

“Yesterday, I was breastfeeding Aidan and practicing with Megan, and she was giving me feedback and I was exchanging ideas”, she said. “And the man of hope, Barack Obama”, she said.

“He also talks a big game about putting America First”, Clinton said while accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination to run for president in the November general elections.

Tim Kaine (l.) and Hillary Clinton teed off on Trump Friday in their first stump since the conclusion of this week’s Democratic National Convention.

“It’s true”, she said. She painted America as being “in a moment of reckoning”. “Could be like that”, Clinton said. “We look a little different from what people expect”. Clinton said, becoming the first woman in USA history to accept a major party’s presidential nomination.

“When any barrier falls in America, for anyone, it clears the way for everyone”.

Ms Clinton was quick to thank Bernie Sanders, the man who opposed her in the race to become Democratic nominee.

Later, retired four-star Gen. John Allen led the crowd in chants of “U-S-A!” Speakers, some of whom included military and police officers, made frequent mentions of religion and patriotism.

Chelsea appealed to voters that there was no one who would fight as hard for them as her mother and that one thing she’s learned from her is that “public service is about service”.

Clinton also reached out to Republicans and to followers of primary rival Bernie Sanders, the democratic socialist United States senator from Vermont.

“Hillary is judged by some because of her voice, the clothes she wears”.

She’s made mistakes, she said.

After Clinton’s speech, 71% of viewers CNN polled reacted very positively. They both garner high “unpopularity” ratings. ‘Go back out there, ‘ she said.

Most Bernie Sanders supporters heeded the Vermont senator’s call for unity – or at least his plea not to be disruptive.

There were 11.3 million undocumented illegal immigrants in American in 2014.

They included Khizr Khan, the father of Muslim soldier, Capt. Humayun Khan, who died while serving in the US Army in the years that followed the September 11 attacks in NY.


Obama aimed to paint an uplifting picture of America in his speech, which listed and defended the key accomplishments of his term, from enacting universal health care to the agreement curbing Iran’s nuclear program. “Yes, those were Donald Trump’s words in Cleveland”, she added.

Former President Bill Clinton applauds as First Lady Michelle Obama speaks during the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Monda