
Bernie Sanders Gives A Nod Of Support For Tim Kaine VP Pick

Tim Kaine as running mate, Bernie Sanders responded Sunday morning by saying he was troubled, though not at all surprised, by what the leaks reveal and refused to call Kaine “progressive” while explaining he would have much preferred someone like Sen.


In a joint interview with Kaine, Clinton told “60 Minutes Sunday” that she won’t engage in “that kind of insult-fest” and that she prefers to talk about Trump’s record. Elizabeth Warren, a favorite of liberals who has emerged as one of the Democrats’ toughest critics of Trump.

“This right now, is the greatest country on earth”, she said.

“There is no question but the DNC was on Secretary Clinton’s side since Day One”. Clinton aides lauded Kaine’s robust resume as a governor, senator and head of the Democratic National Committee.

“Now Hillary Clinton should follow Wasserman Schultz’s lead and drop out”, Manafort said in a statement, citing Clinton’s storing of classified information on a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

They will try to overcome party disunity that seems certain to also be a factor in Philadelphia, given Wasserman Schultz’s departure and the general unhappiness among many Sanders supporters intensified by both the emails and by Clinton’s pick of Sen. To do that, she must overcome lingering bitterness among supporters of defeated rival Bernie Sanders and clean up a resurgent political mess of the party’s own making.

The Vermont senator says a new leader is needed to focus the DNC on defeating Donald Trump, attracting young voters and improving the economy.

Donald Trump isn’t giving up the spotlight as Democrats meet in Philadelphia to formally make Hillary Clinton their presidential nominee.

Speaking to CNN’s “State of the Union,” Sanders acknowledged that he and Kaine were not always ideologically in symmetry.

On Saturday, as Common Dreams reports, Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver said DNC officials must be held to account for their behavior during the campaign.

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation members promise that an attack against any of them is considered an assault against all.

This year’s Democratic convention opens Monday, with Hillary Clinton set to become the first woman to claim a major party’s nomination for president.

Sanders scored the resignation of party chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a nemesis in the primaries, but that wasn’t enough to quell the anger of supporters.

There are now 4,763 total delegates, and 712 of them are superdelegates.


Two superdelegates left their positions in the last month, while Rep. Mark Takai of Hawaii died from cancer. Clinton has 2,814 when including superdelegates, according to an Associated Press count.

First lady Michelle Obama acknowledges the crowd after delivering remarks on the first day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center