
Bernie Sanders: GOP debates proof ‘we need to invest’ in mental health

But as soon as the lights came on for CNN’s debate Sunday in Flint, Clinton matched Sanders’ call for a resignation and went one better, urging a recall vote against Governor Rick Snyder.


Sanders also tried his best to court the African American vote, which strongly supported Clinton in the southern states, leading her to victory on Super Tuesday. “But compare the substance of this debate with what you saw on the Republican stage last week”.

“If you’re going to talk, tell the whole story, Senator Sanders”, she said. “Instead of exporting products, we would be exporting jobs”, Clinton said adding she has the most comprehensive plan to combat climate change. Mr. Sanders said the essence of all religions was, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ “I am very proud to be Jewish, and being Jewish is so much of what I am”, he said, rejecting the criticism that he was muted about his religious identity. The bailout in the city of Flint is a sensitive topic, due to the strong connection many citizens have with the automobile industry which was a strong benefactor of the bailout.

“I thank the people of Maine for their strong support”, the Sanders campaign said in a statement.

“I absolutely thought her response was right on”, Ghattas said.

Sanders criticized Clinton’s stance on trade agreements, her vote on the Iraq war and pushed for zero tuition at public universities in remarks at the University of Michigan-Flint.

“Well, if you are talking about the Wall Street bailout, where some of your friends destroyed this economy…”, Sanders began to say, as Clinton interjected.

Overall, Clinton still leads the race by 195 pledged delegates. “I think we are exciting working-class people, young people who are prepared to stand up and demand that we have a government that represents all of us, not just the few”.

But when Sanders’ anti-Wall Street rhetoric made Clinton, the former senator from NY, look too cozy with billionaires, she toughened her talk to sound more like Sanders.

Sanders said he had been “shattered” by visiting the city and meeting citizens.

As Obama’s secretary of state, Clinton was far more enthusiastic about the Pacific trade deal taking shape than she became once she was running for president and trying to appeal to the liberal wing of her party.

Clinton shot back, accusing Sanders of voting against the bailout of the auto industry, which is a major employer in MI.

“I’m your Democratic opponent, I release it”, Sanders said, throwing imaginary speech transcripts into the air.

On Saturday, March 5, Clinton won in Louisiana, the biggest prize of the weekend contests, but Sanders won in Kansas and Nebraska.

Both candidates expressed alarm over the water crisis that erupted in Flint when government officials switched the city’s water source temporarily in April 2014 from the Great Lakes to the Flint River to cut costs.

It is “beyond belief that children in Flint, Mich., in the United States of America in the year 2016 are being poisoned”, he said.

MI boasts the eighth-largest trove of delegates in the Democratic race.

“You know, we have our differences”. Personal frustration peeked through as Clinton unloaded new attacks on Sanders over his opposition to the auto bailout and Sanders portrayed Clinton as a candidate straight out of Wall Street central casting.


Sanders, who argued with considerably more edge than in past debates, pounced early when Clinton spoke about a need to keep jobs from shifting overseas.

Sanders wins Maine Democratic caucuses