
Bernie Sanders is Spending Labor Day in N.H

Sanders endorsed Canova, but did not travel to Florida to campaign for him.


“We now have to follow through on our promises to help pass criminal justice reform, the $15 minimum wage and climate change legislation while stopping our endless wars and the TPP, and electing true progressives from the Deep South to the Northwest”, he said.

Mitchell Farmer of Duluth campaigns for Rick Nolan during a meeting of Bernie Sanders supporters for the official kickoff of Sanders’ political movement called “Our Revolution” at the Duluth home of Sandy Thompson.

“It should be lower than that”, Sanders said.

The progressive PAC Democracy for America was born of then-Vermont Governor Howard Dean’s unsuccessful presidential bid in 2004. The group is run not by Dean but by his brother, Jim.

You are here: Home / Money / Business / Bernie Sanders begins campaigning for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Green Party candidate Jill Stein saw her chance to pounce on disillusioned Bernie supporters. Cohen also pledged on the show that “there will be no contributions from billionaires, and I can guarantee that”. Sanders-backed challenger Tim Canova was defeated in the Democratic primary for the south Florida congressional seat held by Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who won renomination with 57 percent of the vote.

“Look, every organization has some growing pains”, says Weaver, who declined to engage in a tit-for-tat with departed staff members over his leadership role. Feeling like I have been pigeonholed into a stereotype of an ignorant young person just because of the candidate I support can be frustrating. But I think, what we’ve got to do as a nation is have a serious debate on the enormous crises facing this country. This platform, however, for all its small-bore pledges of modest improvements in domestic policy, is a full-throated defense of American imperialism, declaring that the United States must have the most powerful military apparatus in the world. Sanders supporters were not seeing the bigger picture.


The commission also requires candidates to be on ballots in enough states to have a mathematical chance of winning the presidency.

Bernie Sanders I-Vt. shaking hands with supporters after outlining his plan to reform the U.S. financial sector in New York City Jan. 15 2016