
Bernie Sanders Joined Larry David on ‘Saturday Night Live’

Sanders is the guy who says the 1 percent has been treated preferentially for too long.


“We need to unite and work together if we’re all going to get through this”, Sanders said.

David dismisses the suggestion, saying that it “sounds a lot like socialism”.

For anyone expecting Sanders to show up during the show’s cold opening or other sketches, NPR points out that it was all Larry David’s show, even when he was mocking the Democratic socialist from Vermont. And this version of Sanders is very much like David: selfish, neurotic, brutally honest, and capable of offending strangers and angering his friends without exerting much effort at all.

Asked what his name is, Bernie responds that it’s “Bernie Sanderswitzky”, but says he plans to change it after arriving in America to make it sound less Jewish.

The “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star has impersonated the Vermont senator in the show’s recent political skits.

He later refused to come to the aid of a supporter who had just dislocated her shoulder in a auto accident. It wasn’t the only nod to the show: David also starred in a sketch called “Bern Your Enthusiasm”. And Larry David’s impression of Sanders has helped him.

NBC Larry David, playing Bernie Sanders, ran into a series of mishaps, including when he refused to shake a fan’s hand because she sneezed into it.

They may have five more debates scheduled, but what Democratic voters may really want after tonight is Bernie Sanderswitski vs. Val the bartender. Bernie Sanders took to the SNL stage for a brief (but hilarious) cameo.

What do you think will happen in New Hampshire? Sanders’ Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, has appeared on “SNL” several times, most recently in October.


Dean Obeidallah, a former attorney, is the host of SiriusXM’s weekly program “The Dean Obeidallah Show”, a columnist for The Daily Beast and editor of the politics blog The Dean’s Report. Asked by David about his lead in New Hampshire, Sanders replies with his version of the famous “Curb Your Enthusiasm” line: “It’s pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good”.
