
Bernie Sanders: ‘No Candidate For President Who Would Be Stronger In Fighting

Still, Sanders has long supported civil rights and former mayoral candidate Jesus Chuy Garcia says Sanders’ populist message should be taken seriously. Her LinkedIn profile says she is the national youth committee chair for the Coalition for Juvenile Justice and her last job was with Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch as a communications officer. “However, this new poll is still a snapshot of a moment in which Sanders is clearly picking up momentum among the party’s progressive voters and drawing huge crowds at his rallies as a result”.


Even Sanders seemed to acknowledge the extreme uphill challenge he faced, saying that what the country needed is a “political revolution”.

“We need someone who is not for sale”, Garcia said, introducing Sanders.

Todd began his interview with Senator Sanders this way: I watched you in Clear Lake, I watched you on the stump yesterday”.

But the question remains whether the presidential campaign equivalent of an underground punk-rock show can actually compete on the big stage of American politics with the exceedingly well-funded likes of Hillary Clinton and all the billionaire-backed Republican candidates. An additional 9,000 people gathered in overflow areas, according to The Washington Post.

An hour before Sanders was set to speak, the crowd stretched east outside the theater and north along Clark to Dickens. Neither is Donald Trump. That’s our response, to go out to working class people, to go out to the middle-class people and gain support.

Elected in 2007, Saunders is one of two Independents in the U.S. Senate (Angus King of Maine is the other), but he decided his best path to the presidency was to enter as a Democrat. You just might be the first to cross the finish line.

That’s the really radical part of Bernie’s 2016 campaign, and what’s what maybe, just maybe, might make him the 45th President of the United States.

“I think Donald Trump’s views on immigration and his slurring of the Latino community is not something that should be going on in the year 2015, and it’s to me an embarrassment for our country.”

It covers people who are old, I want to see Medicare cover everybody.

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is holding his first Chicago event Monday night as the 73-year-old Democratic Socialist from Vermont raises money for his campaign.


The veteran senator has packed stadiums on the West Coast and drawn hordes at the Iowa State Fair. “The reason this campaign is doing well is because we’re talking about the issues that impact the American people….” “We’re investing a lot of money in the war machine, and endless wars, but we’re not investing anything in the American people or America itself”.

Bernie Sanders Iowa