
Bernie Sanders On DNC Email Leak: “I’m Not Surprised”

Democrat Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton released a statement praising Schultz’s contributions to the party, “I am grateful to Debbie for getting the Democratic Party to this year’s historic convention in Philadelphia, and I know that this week’s events will be a success thanks to her hard work and leadership”.


Wasserman Schultz, a member of Congress from Florida who reportedly had been removed from a speaking role after the email leak, said she would address the delegates during the convention.

Appearing on CNN over the weekend, Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook said cybersecurity experts have told the campaign that the source of the hack was Russian Federation.

But Sanders maintained that his support for Clinton is strong, saying his immediate message to his supporters now is that “disastrous” Donald Trump must be defeated.

Trump took to Twitter to call that idea a joke. As recently as this week, during the DNC, Sanders supporters turned out to show their dedication. But the Vermont Senator has struck a positive message in recent interviews, expressing his support for Hillary Clinton.

United States officials suspect the email dump is the work of Russian hackers who were discovered in DNC servers earlier this year, and experts believe the coordinated release of the documents on the eve of the convention are an effort by Moscow to meddle in the USA presidential election. Party officials learned in late April that their systems had been attacked after they discovered malicious software on their computers.

The party publicly acknowledged the hack in June.

Many groups called for her immediate resignation after her emails surfaced from Wikileaks.

Clinton’s campaign didn’t hesitate to make the connection, with campaign manager Robby Mook saying cyber experts believed “Russian state actors were feeding the email to hackers for the goal of helping Donald Trump”. Manafort said in a press statement.

The controversy over some 19,000 leaked DNC emails, however, threatened to complicate those plans.

Former rivals Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders urgently joined forces Monday to tamp down dissent among his supporters, as Democrats tried to keep infighting from overtaking an opening night featuring some of the party’s biggest stars, including first lady Michelle Obama. In response, party officials said DWS would play a minimal role at best during the convention.

Sanders delegate Bob Hagan of Youngstown, a former state representative, said, “I’m hearing from some that they’re really (angry) and it might take a little while before we can get them all together”.

The email controversy raised new questions about Trump’s foreign policy views with regard to Russian Federation. “Trump has made bigotry and hatred the cornerstone of his campaign”. Or “maybe it’s simply just a mutual admiration society”, he told MSNBC. “She has shown time and time again her resilience and she is not scared to stand up to the right and defend our platform and defend our values”, said Ana Cruz, a delegate from Tampa. Trump himself has spoken favorably about Putin as someone he could negotiate with.

By her mid-40s, Wasserman Schultz had survived breast cancer and was raising three kids – all the while serving in the House and raising millions for the Democratic Party. “Low and behold, this comes up and inflames all the Sanders delegates”.

The furor over leaked emails not only got U.S. Rep.


On Sunday, critics passed around a tweet Wasserman Schultz sent last week to her counterpart at the Republican National Committee, Reince Preibus.

DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz speaks during a campaign event for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at the Florida State Fairgrounds Entertainment Hall Friday