
Bernie Sanders reigns supreme on day one of the Democratic National Convention

“It is far from unified”, said Jessa Lewis, a Seattle delegate for Sanders, standing in the Wells Fargo Arena on Monday night as boos repeatedly rained down from some in the crowd after mentions of Clinton from speakers on the convention stage.


Some of the hundreds of people enduring the Tuesday’s afternoon sun on another steamy day in Philadelphia are chanting “Bernie or bust”.

Politico reports that during one three-month period while Democratic primaries were still going on, state parties got to keep less than one half of one percent of the $82 million raised through the arrangement.

On Sunday, Wasserman Schultz said she will resign as head of the DNC in response to leaked emails that show committee officials worked to undermine Sanders’ his campaign when he and Clinton were competing for the Democratic nomination. How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level.

Locally, five Staten Islanders are delegates at the convention: Island Democratic Chair John Gulino, Councilwoman Debi Rose and United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew are all Hillary Clinton delegates. First lady Michelle Obama appeared before Sanders spoke to throw her support behind Clinton.

Clinton’s campaign hoped to use the history-making moment to bolster the candidate’s popularity _ mindful that while many voters are happy to be nominating a woman, they’re not wild about this particular woman candidate.

“It is easy to boo, but it is harder to look your kids in the face who would be living under a Donald Trump presidency”, Sanders said. Solomon said some of the 1,900 Sanders delegates in Philadelphia were discussing staging a protest on the convention floor during Clinton’s nomination acceptance speech on Thursday, although it was unclear what the protest might be.

The organization encompasses almost two-thirds of Sanders delegates and is actively looking at contesting Sen.

Some delegates said the messages did the trick.

Schumer is in line to become the Senate Democratic leader next year, and would become the majority leader if Democrats win enough votes to take back the Senate in November. At an earlier Bloomberg breakfast meeting with reporters Tuesday, he said “we may” campaign for Canova in the district.

The good? While a lot of media coverage might suggest that every Sanders supporter is a hardcore “Never Hillary” voter with a Robin Hood hat and a sign covered in anti-capitalist slogans, the reality was less obvious.

Texas Democrats, Mauro said, need to put their egos aside as they welcome new people to the party.

According to party rules, Sanders won’t be able to secure the nomination.

Speaking to thousands of veterans here, Donald Trump railed at Hillary Clinton on Tuesday as incompetent and unsafe for the military and the nation’s security.


Delegates of the USA senator from Vermont, who won 23 states in a losing primary battle against Clinton, boisterously cheered Sanders and booed Clinton throughout a 7-hour program that culminated in mighty cheers for Sanders himself at the end of the evening.

Divisions plague Democrats as they open convention to anoint Clinton