
Bernie Sanders Still Won’t Say Whether He Will Endorse Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders of Vermont has not decided whether he will endorse presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, contrary to what Vice President Joe Biden said recently (video below).


Sanders could provide more fuel to Hillary Clinton get over the top, and if a majority of his supporters join the Democratic cause, they could turn the 2016 election into a big blue rout of Donald Trump.

“Oh, I’ve talked to Bernie, Bernie’s going to endorse her, this is going to work out”, Biden told National Public Radio in an interview for “Weekend Edition” that will air on Sunday. Campaign officials said Democrats feel they have largely consolidated support for Clinton in Wisconsin in the weeks since, prompting them to shift their splashy kickoff in the city that held Obama’s 2012 Democratic convention. This is where we’re going to go as a country.’ So I hope it happens.

Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump across the board in a new poll of key battleground American states, USA media reported today.

Obama is expected to campaign quite a bit for Clinton, particularly in the fall, and brings a unique perspective, having competed against her in the 2008 primary before working closely with her as his secretary of state. But, she said, her reasons for supporting Clinton are genuine and purely strategic. Clinton’s campaign now enters July in a dominant financial position, with $44 million on hand after a total haul of about $288 million raised throughout the primary, the campaign announced in a statement. More importantly, however, they see her as a reasonable person-especially compared with the unpredictable Trump-and someone Republicans could possibly work with.

He, however, has yet to endorse his Democratic rival – a move Vice President Joe Biden told NPR Thursday was imminent.

Biden will hit the campaign trail with Clinton for the first time next Friday in his hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania.


“Those folks back home know me”. I’d like to say that it depends on just what kind of moronic stuff Trump does over the next few months, but that really doesn’t seem to matter much.

Bernie Sanders Still Won't Say Whether He Will Endorse Hillary Clinton