
Bernie Sanders surges ahead in polls weeks before primary

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are starting to make their closing arguments to Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire right now. “The gadfly wasn’t a gadfly – he was a lightning bug”.


Clinton also derided Sanders’ criticism of the two groups who endorsed her, saying they are champions of Democratic causes.

But she can always bounce back by winning in other States.

But at November’s Democratic debate, Sanders said that Muslim nations around Syria, namely “Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Jordan” had to step up and “get their hands dirty, their boots on the ground” in order to “take on ISIS”. He’s been in Congress. He’s been elected to office a lot longer than I have.

“It is not about Senator Sanders”.

“She sees the chance to be the candidate of change on this one issue that really resonates in an era of mass shootings”, he said. Open your heart. Find visceral ways to show people how you would fix their problems.

The Sanders campaign has tried to flip that argument, pointing to a national general election poll that showed Sanders beating Trump by a wider margin than Clinton.

“I know what it’s like to run from behind in New Hampshire – and I know what it’s like to come from behind and win in New Hampshire”, she said, to a standing ovation. Is Sanders talking about Clinton at all?

“I don’t think there is a woman more confident than Hillary Clinton”, Lovato told the cheering crowd inside an auditorium at the University of Iowa.

Here’s a ranking of the Democratic candidates’ prospects in New Hampshire.

The White House hopefuls are battling for dominance in Iowa before its crucial February 1 vote. While Clinton now has 359 superdelegates supporting her, Sanders only has eight. “We like Bernie and he’s having a conversation we think is important so it’s not an easy thing to do”.

But Clinton has aired more than 740 gun-control spots in the state, 24 percent of her more-than-3,000 ads between December 18 and January 18.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is escalating her criticism of rival Sen. But – and this is increasingly the central message of the Clinton campaign – “what they need now is not anger but answers”.

“We’re so localized with council races coming up in May”, she said.

It’s not the first celebrity endorsement that Clinton has received. Her website says she would ask the wealthiest Americans to contribute more to Social Security. “So Sanders picks up the first two states”.


“Nobody ever stops running for president, they just run out of money”, said former Indiana Sen.

Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump