
Bernie Sanders Urges Reluctant Supporters to Back Hillary Clinton

Because she’s lived so long in public, many voters feel they already know her, like Cynthia Doty, 65, a Clinton supporter from New York City, who said, “I think she’s grown up into a really remarkable woman”.


And just this Thursday, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that he was “honored that [President Obama] would plagiarize a line” from Trump Jr.’s speech at the RNC. “Bonds of trust and respect are fraying”.

Clinton also assailed Trump’s record as a businessman. That’s Donald Trump. Which candidate is trying to bring us together, which is Hillary Clinton, and which candidate is trying to divide us up running a campaign based on bigotry?

Within minutes, she went on the attack against Republican nominee Donald Trump, saying Mr Trump wants Americans to “fear the future”.

“A democracy requires something from all of us”, she said.

Ninety-six years have passed since the women’s suffrage movement won the struggle for the ballot.

Speakers at this week’s Democratic Convention, including her husband former President Bill Clinton, have aimed to highlight a more personal side of Clinton, recounting her days registering Mexican-American voters, advocating for early childhood education, and being a mother to daughter Chelsea. Obama himself made reference to that in his speech Wednesday when he called on Democrats to throw their support behind Clinton so she could finish the job he had started.

She also acknowledged the historical nature of the occasion, saying that her nomination should give hope to girls and women everywhere that their dreams can be achieved.

Clinton said her mother’s example inspired a lifelong will to work for the disadvantaged. She’s running against a guy, after all, who threatens to deport millions and who charges that Mexicans are rapists.

Cantor describes his group as the antidote to the now-defunct Democratic Leadership Council, the group of centrist Democrats who emerged in the 1980s to pull the party toward the middle of the political spectrum.”They totally transformed the Democratic Party in ways that we’re still paying for”, he said.

“Don’t let anyone tell you we don’t have what it takes”, Clinton said.

The classic Chris Matthews distinction is that Democrats are the Mommy party and Republicans the Daddy party. She admitted, however, that the party has not “done a good enough job showing that we get what you’re going through, and that we’re going to do something about it”.

After a bruising primary campaign against Bernie Sanders, and as she savaged Trump, Clinton extended an olive branch of sorts to her skeptics and critics.

She praisied Sanders for putting economic and social justice issues “front and center” – where she says they belong.

But, man, did I NOT need to be reminded that it was four then three then two then one hour before Clinton was set to speak. The idea that the country could continue to run with this severe a tax deficit is absurd.

She asked them to move forward and turn their platform into “real change for America”. She said Hillary would leave notes every day that she was away on business, often took her to the Dinosaur National Park and never missed a soccer game or piano recital. The Denver Post: Even as pro-marijuana activists marched this week in Philadelphia with a fake 51-foot joint, teams of industry leaders and lobbyists were busy doing the kind of work one would expect from the beer or pharmaceutical industry: holding receptions, talking to politicians and discussing regulations.

Obama stressed on domestic frailties and fiscal difficulties that America has been staring at but said that austerity for the common people while bailing out the rich would never be a solution. I know because I’ve seen it in the lives of people across America who get knocked down and get right back up.

She said she wouldn’t build a wall or ban a religion.

Clinton said the presidential election presents a stark choice on national security, with the US facing what she says are “determined enemies that must be defeated”. Giving the nuclear codes to a man who can not even compose himself over nasty tweets is a worrying prospect for us all, be it American or otherwise. The impact of her speech in the arena was palpable, especially among women. This was a subject where she could have tried to neutralize some of Trump’s appeal, but didn’t.


She also drew a sharp contrast with her election rival Donald Trump, calling the Republican supremely unqualified for the White House.

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