
Bernie Sanders Visits Oregon and New Poll Shows Clinton Has Strong Lead

But Trump faces a huge task in trying to get the Republican party behind him, as doubts persist about his substance and style.


Seth said he has no idea what the turnout will be like for Sanders’ visit but expects an extremely fired up response from those who do show up. “We have a chance to end up with a majority of the pledged delegates”.

“Let me be as clear I can be – we are in this campaign to win the Democratic nomination”.

Based on primaries and caucuses to date, Sanders has 1,429 delegates to Clinton’s 1,715.

Sanders also overwhelmingly carried the 27% who want a president more liberal than Obama.

Self-identified Democrats have tended to support Clinton throughout the primary season in all states except New Hampshire, Vermont, and Wisconsin.

Clinton, for her part, spent the day in Kentucky, which votes next week. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Among those Democrats – Oregon’s Democratic primary is a closed election in which only registered Democrats can vote – Clinton led Sanders 48% to 33%.

Even though the GOP race is essentially over, thumping vote totals on Tuesday would also reinforce the billionaire’s appeals for the party to unite around him, despite significant antipathy towards him from many conservatives and establishment leaders. He may have also been helped by an impolitic remark Clinton made in March when discussing her climate change plans.

“As the coal industry drives up obviously that’s leaving a lot of people without work and without good work and Bernie is really dedicated to retraining people and providing them support for his reinvestment in renewable energy and for replacing those coal jobs with renewable energy jobs, which will be higher paying, better jobs for people”, she said. The nomination is clinched by 2,383.

His recent wins in IN and West Virginia, however, are unlikely to erode Mrs Clinton’s popularity in the upcoming delegate-rich states such as New Jersey and California, said experts.

Rural, blue collar and largely white, West Virginia was fertile ground for Sanders, who has performed well with such demographics.

Sanders won 16 of West Virginia’s 29 delegates, compared to the 11 that Clinton earned. Five delegates remain to be allocated, pending final vote tallies. Sanders has 1,468. Those figures call into question his contention that he will be able to convince super delegates at the convention to back him and not the former secretary of state.


“Because we must do everything we can to defeat Trump in November, our mission is to win as many pledged delegates as we can between now and June 14”, Weaver wrote.

Voters enter their polling place at Stonewall Jackson Middle School in the West Side neighborhood of Charleston