
Bernie Sanders will endorse Hillary Clinton at event next week

The long-awaited backing of Clinton from the runner-up in the Democratic nominating contest will follow weeks of maneuvering by Sanders to extract policy concessions from Clinton, on issues including college tuition and health care.


If the Orlando meeting goes smoothly, people familiar with the talks say, Sanders and Clinton appear to be on track to a joint appearance in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

News of the potential endorsement came shortly after Sanders fell short of endorsing Clinton during a Thursday interview with Bloomberg View’s Al Hunt.

The senator praised Clinton’s announcement of a proposal earlier Wednesday to tackle the rising cost of college tuition and the burden of student loan debt, calling it a “very bold initiative”. Sanders was invited to join a meeting with House Democrats on Wednesday, where he dodged questions about endorsing Clinton and was met with boos after saying, “The goal isn’t to win elections”.

The roughly 15,000-word platform is a nonbinding document that serves as a guidepost for the party. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.

But he may begin campaigning with Clinton as soon as next week. Trump, who has tapped into a wholly unexpected vein of anger on the campaign trail leads among white, non-Hispanic voters (51%-42%), while Clinton has an overwhelming advantage among African Americans (91%-7%). Nonetheless, both democratic socialists spoke for many who neither shared their ideology nor voted for them. “I think the time is coming to resolve this and to prepare for a convention where hopefully he will give a powerful speech”. “I’m going to continue to fight to make sure that we transform this country”. But Clinton supporters stress the broad influence Sanders has already had over the document.

Hillary Clinton is holding her first campaign event of the year with Vice President Joe Biden as the nation confronts a recurring issue: the rash of police-related shootings. “It is a platform that reflects that reality”. It is certainly one of the most progressive platforms in the party’s history. His aides stress his millions of votes and his highly motivated delegates to the convention.

Two out of three registered voters say the VP pick is at least somewhat important in their vote – and almost a third say it’s very important.

Just 41 percent of Trump voters say they are voting FOR the billionaire real estate mogul: 50 percent told Pew that they will be voting against Clinton.


The endorsement comes after almost a month of foot-dragging by Sanders following Clinton’s unofficial clinching of the nomination in early June.

Meetings could lead to Clinton-Sanders joint event