
Bernie Sanders Wins in New Hampshire, Twitter Goes Off

The Rev. Al Sharpton (left) escorts Democratic presidential candidate Sen. In 2000, after losing New Hampshire by a wide margin, SC marked a critical comeback moment for George W. Bush. A sample of Klein’s piece: “Trump is the most risky candidate for president in memory”. A Chris Christie spokeswoman said his race was over, too. But a sizeeable field remained.


Florida senator Marco Rubio, under vast pressure to prove himself after a devastating fifth-place finish, was looking for a fight that could last for months or even spill into the first contested Republican national convention since 1976.

“He doesn’t come from a part of the country where African-American politics are a daily part of political life”, she said.

If Trump had Republicans on edge, Democrats were feeling no less queasy.

Bernie Sanders has been crushing Hillary Clinton among young voters and one exchange in New Hampshire on Tuesday may explain some of the disconnect for Clinton: She has no idea what it means to go “viral”.

“Light overcame the darkness”, Kasich said. Clinton, meanwhile, announced plans to campaign with the mother of Sandra Bland, whose death while in police custody became a symbol of racial tensions.

On the Democratic side, Sanders led Clinton by 22 percentage points, with more than 90 percent of their party’s vote tabulated. Frustration over Sanders’s appeal erupted over the weekend, when former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said there was “a special place in hell” for women who don’t help women and renowned feminist Gloria Steinem said that Sanders’s female supporters were doing it to meet boys.

Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist who advocates nothing less than “political revolution” has not fared well among minority groups will have his work cut out to extend his winning streak.

That it looked after Iowa that the nomination would fall into Rubio’s lap should have been a telltale sign that the forces of cosmic balance were about to screw him. Sen.

Rep. Jim Clyburn, the most influential Democratic officeholder in SC, says he’ll “huddle” with his family to decide this weekend whether to make an endorsement in the presidential race.

“We love God, we’re gun owners, military veterans and we’re fed up with what’s happening in Washington”, Cruz said. He blasted what he said was Trump’s proclivity for “insulting women, castigating Hispanics, ridiculing the disabled and calling American POWs losers”. The same goes for the next three also-rans in New Hampshire: Sen.

The battle between Rubio and Bush is also likely to get muddier in general. In the months leading up to Tuesday’s primary, both Kasichs campaign and the super PAC supporting him unleashing a torrent of attack ads against Trump in New Hampshire. Foreshadowing the bitter campaign for survival about to unfold, Rubio aide Alex Conant suggested Trump can’t be beaten if Bush stays in the race, and a Bush staffer disparaged Kasich’s long-term chances.

Clyburn, at 12 terms the dean of the SC congressional delegation, dismissed as water under the bridge a confrontation between him and Bill Clinton after Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 SC primary to Obama, an incident Clyburn related in his 2014 memoir, Blessed Experiences. “I think you’re gonna see Kasich and Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio all fighting it out for the establishment lane”.

Seeking votes at a local business in Charleston, Kasich worked to burnish his reputation as a results-oriented leader.

“Tonight’s finish – Jeb is back, he’s got a pep in his step, he’s got wind to his back”, Graham said.

In Nevada, about half the Republican voters are Mormons or evangelicals, a different face of religion than in the South and the opposite of New Hampshire’s extremely secular electorate.


His team hinged its entire strategy on New Hampshire, quietly stringing together town-hall-style events in the state while other candidates devoted much of their time and resources to Iowa.

Rep. Clyburn: On Clinton's firewall and McGovern's lessons