
Bernie Sanders Wins Readers’ Poll for TIME Person of the Year

The Vermont lawmaker won with 10.2 percent when voting stopped at midnight Sunday, Time reports.


Competing against the Pope, Malala Yousafzai, Elon Musk, Nicki Minaj, and even star racehorse American Pharaoh, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has risen to the top of the online Time poll for Person of the Year. “A lot of people have given up on the political process, and I want to get them involved in it”, Sanders told TIME in a September cover story.

Sanders is running a distant second in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, behind Clinton. The partisan disconnect between the poll’s high and low contenders may say more about the demographic of voters than the worthiness of those being ranked.

Despite winning the popular vote, Time magazine didn’t let Sanders through to the next round. According to a Time article on Monday morning, persons who have voted in a Time poll have overwhelmingly asserted that they believe Democratic presidential candidate Sen.

The vote marks the first time a presidential candidate has been named “Person of the Year” before the end of the campaign.

President Barack Obama was the choice of 3.5% of readers and other White House candidates came in with much less support – 1.8% picked Donald Trump and 1.4% picked Hillary Clinton. “In this fight we are going to take on the greed of the billionaire class. And they are very, very powerful, and they’re going to fight back furiously”. The announcement will be made Wednesday.


Time also announced the shortlist of eight candidates selected by its editors for the “2015 Person of the Year” honor, to be announced later this week.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders