
Bernie supporters protest at DNC after leaked emails, MI officials react

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced on Sunday she was resigning as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee on the eve of the party’s convention.


The resignation of Democratic National Committee chairwoman and Clinton ally Debbie Wasserman Schultz is created to appease Sanders and his backers. She should step down, he said, “not only because of the prejudice I think [the DNC] showed during the campaign but also because I think we need new leadership that will open up that party” to working people, young people and “have the kind of vitality we need”.

Clinton’s campaign manager is alleging Russian hackers are leaking the emails in an effort to help Trump win the election in November.

On the heels of a tumultuous Republican convention, Hillary Clinton hopes her gathering in Philadelphia will show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership.

Judging by the protests in Philadelphia on Sunday by pro-Sanders backers who vowed never to vote for Clinton, some supporters of the democratic socialist senator will be emboldened to resist the Clinton coronation.

Ms Wasserman Schultz – who described Mrs Clinton as “a friend I have always believed in and know will be a great president” – will step down at the end of the convention.

But Sanders repeatedly voiced frustration with a DNC and party establishment he felt was stacked against him, and the resentment from Sanders and his supporters threatened to disrupt the convention.

Mr Sanders will address the convention on Monday night, and Mr Obama will speak on Wednesday night. The email dump provided by Wikileaks also highlighted DNC staffers mocking Bernie Sanders jewish faith.

The Democratic convention will run from Tuesday to Friday Australian time, and will feature speeches from Sanders, Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama, current President Barack Obama and former president Bill Clinton, among others.

Brazille, who is vice chair of the DNC, has been named interim chair through the election. Donald Trump accepted the GOP nomination, but party divisions flared when his chief rival, Texas Sen. The protests this week in Philadelphia include demonstrations outside the convention called “Crash the Party” and “Shut Down The DNC”. “I think the DNC’s job is to hold fair primaries and I think if they did things to rig this, and make the system skew in favor of one candidate over another, that’s not their proper role in this process”.

“Debbie’s a very nice person”.


“They wanted someone they worked with in the past, and I’ve worked with them through the campaign, and they feel comfortable with me carrying the message”, Gallego said.

Kenner native Donna Brazile to serve as interim head of the DNC