
Best One-Liners From President Obama’s DNC Speech

From Rolling Stone: An energetic Tim Kaine mocked Donald Trump, utilized his fluent Spanish and made the case for Hillary Clinton in the vice presidential nominee’s Democratic National Convention speech Wednesday night.


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton joined President Barack Obama on stage after he gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention.

The first woman to lead a major USA political party toward the White House, Clinton was greeted by a crowd of cheering delegates eager to see history made in the November election. The election is on November 8. “I believe she will now be held to unreal standards”. “She was doing everything I was doing, but just like Ginger Rogers, backwards and in heels”. After winning that election to become America’s first black president, Obama appointed Clinton his secretary of state and now looks to her to carry on his legacy.

The survey, which interviewed more than 23,000 registered voters from June 1 through July 14, found Clinton with a 17-point lead over Trump, 51 percent to 34 percent, among voters with post-graduate degrees.

Clinton, the first female presidential nominee from a major USA political party, criticized Trump’s plan to build “a great border wall” alongside the border with Mexico.

Making a bold play for the political center ground in an election year that has seen the hard right and the hard left become louder and more shrill, Clinton vowed to “be a president for Democrats, Republicans, and Independents”.

“He’s taken the Republican Party a long way from “Morning in America” to midnight in America”.

President Obama said: “America is already great”.

The Republican nominee has urged US allies to “pay their fair share” as he promotes his “America First” policy that prioritizes USA interests in any domestic or foreign policy decision.

“I want to thank Bernie Sanders”.

“Preach!” members of the crowd shouted. This year marks the first time since 1988 that an incumbent president has been popular enough to boost his successor, with Obama enjoying some of the best approval ratings of his presidency.

Mr Obama listed what he described as a series of advances during his two terms in office, such as recovery from economic recession, the Obamacare healthcare reform and, the 2011 killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. “America isn’t about ‘yes, he will, ‘” he said.

He issued a condemnation of “fascists or communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues” who will “always fail in the end”. He has proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country and a wall along the border with Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out. He did not name Trump specifically, but nobody failed to get the message.

DNC delegates nominated Clinton on Tuesday.

Clinton’s aides said she will not try to be a sunny counterpoint to Trump’s gloomier outlook.

“He has no clue about what makes America great”, Biden said, before the crowd started chanting, “Not a clue!” That’s a bunch of malarkey!’ Biden shouted to cheers. Vice-President Joe Biden also made an emotional valedictory speech, and Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Sen.

“What we heard in Cleveland last week wasn’t particularly Republican – and it sure wasn’t conservative”, he said. “And that is not the America I know”.

While some on the Democratic side have been angry at Trump, Obama used the Daily Show strategy, by firing joke after joke Trump’s way.


At least one delegate for Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders, had proposed protesting the president’s speech.

President Obama speaks during an interfaith memorial service for the five officers killed during an ambush in Dallas on July 7