
Bethesda to release Fallout 4 on HTC Vive VR headset in 2017

VR is coming to two Bethesda games.


If you’ve ever wanted to come face-to-face with a deathclaw, tonight you got one step closer to your weird wish.

According to Hines, Fallout 4 will be released on the HTC Vive in 2017.

Bethesda has announced at their E3 2016 media briefing that they’ll be bringing some of their games to virtual reality platforms.

Bethesda is showing off the VR versions of these games at the E3 event for those who are already there. It’s also got Doom in VR, which offers “a virtual tour of hell”. How it will work with the Vive is unknown, but we assume they have come up with a way to play it without making players motion sick.


Bethesda promise to remain leaders in the VR space for triple-A gaming experiences, so expect more VR announcements from the company in the future.

Bethesda Announces VR Versions Of Doom And Fallout 4