
Bethlehem prepares for Christian pilgrims

“People are exhausted and they don’t see any future of peace”.


Iran denies it fired rockets near US warships in key strait
Truman aircraft carrier and the USS Bulkeley destroyer – were in the area, along with a French frigate, said Cmdr. That’s just what Iran did Saturday, shooting several unguided rockets about 1,500 yards from the USS Harry S.

Twal, made his way through the Bethlehem checkpoint at the Israeli built separation barrier earlier on Thursday, on his way to lead Christmas festivities in the West Bank town. It’s one of the most popular places for tourists to pick up Christmas decorations carved from olive wood.

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Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said the Brussels decision had been taken “given information we have received”. The fireworks display has been cancelled in Paris but will be replaced with a video display on the Arc de Triomphe.

“I didn’t like it much but I can accept it”, said Father Jamal Khader of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

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Ethan Couch got ten years of probation, during which time the still underaged Couch must stay away from drugs and alcohol. The Couches then moved to an apartment, and the agents set up a surveillance operation in the surrounding streets.

The mass commemorating the birth of Jesus will be dedicated to victims of violence and their families, Twal said, with celebrations “moderate” due to violence in the Palestinian territories, Israel and the world.

“We are praying for the restoration of peace and security and the return of the displaced to their land”, said one worshipper, Farida, as she arrived at Our Lady of Salvation church in Baghdad, one member of a dwindling Christian community trickling in to churches.

The reasons for that is the political situation, and the Israeli choke-hold over entrance to the occupied Palestinian land.

ESTRIN: Yes, Bethlehem is a city in the West Bank.

It was “important to be here, to react and send a message of peace for Christmas”, said Italian nun Sister Donatella as she walked among a procession of drummers and bagpipe players.

“God is with me, so all will be well”, said the young woman, wearing sunglasses and a fur coat. They felt a little thin this year on Christmas Eve. “Bethlehem without tourism is nothing”.

The ministry invests significantly throughout the year in the conservation and upgrading of Christian sites in order to ensure that every Christian can visit the sites that are sacred for him.

Several ultra-orthodox Jewish groups have threatened to attack Palestinian churches, and in June, have set fire to the the wing of a revered church in Galilee where Jesus is said to have performed the miracle of the loaves and the fishes.

Addressing crowds at Saint Peter’s Basilica, the pontiff called on Christians everywhere to push back against the excesses of modern society, which he said was “so often intoxicated by consumerism and hedonism, wealth and extravagance, appearances and narcissism”. Surrounded by Israeli settlements and a barrier wall, the people here are struggling.

“At least 58 families here in Beit Jala won’t have land to pass onto the next generation”, said Rofa, noting that the plans would probably push many of these families to pack up and leave.

They spared efforts and knocked at the doors of Palestinian officials in the liaison offices to get a permission that enables them to cross from Gaza, but things didn’t work out with them.

The latest round of violence has so far left more than 110 Palestinians and almost 20 Israelis dead, and there is no end in sight to the bloodshed.


Twal was welcomed by the Latin parish priests and representatives of Bethlehem at the Tomb of Rachel, also known as Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque, before making his way to Bethlehem’s main square, where he was greeted by Bethlehem Governor Jebrin al-Bakri, Mayor Vera Baboun and Director of Police ‘Alaa Shibli.

The old city of Jerusalem