
Beyond just endorsing Trump, Christie now attack dog in chief against Rubio

With next week’s Super Tuesday primary elections looming on the horizon, the Republican presidential candidate told the crowd that “we risk losing the greatest country in the history of the world” as he sought to distance himself from his top two GOP rivals, Florida Sen. “Donald Trump has not released any of his tax information”. As for Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, he would support either if he became the nominee, but there was “zero chance” he’d go for a first-term senator if given a choice in the matter, the adviser said.


Cruz on his part jabbed at Trump and Rubio both while discussing his flat tax plan and pledge to abolish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the U.S. income tax department. “Maybe his tax returns show those business dealings are a lot more extensive than had been reported….”

“No other candidate could’ve gotten away with that so I think there’s kind of a weird bias here in the media rooting for Donald Trump because they know he’s the easiest Republican to beat”, Rubio said.

“He’s attacking Trump on the same disclosure issues, but his own disclosures are obfuscatory”, Shenkman said. Cruz cited reports that Trump’s company has worked with “major NY crime families”, including the jailed “Fat Tony” Salerno. Polls have returned varied results, with some surveys showing Trump and Cruz in a tight race in Texas while others show Cruz with a comfortable lead.

Cruz’s reaction: ‘Well listen, this decision is going to be made by the voters on Super Tuesday.

“You know, we’ve seen now that there’s only one candidate that has beaten Donald Trump and that can beat Donald Trump”, said Cruz, who gave Trump his only loss of the season thus far in the Iowa caucuses.

Christie has a long personal relationship with Trump.

In addition to attacking Trump, Rubio spoke on the economy, student loans, Guantanamo Bay, and even addressed a supporter about going to the prom while at the outdoor rally that filled the stands at a football field.

Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) released the past five years of returns in an effort to put pressure on Trump to release his.


But in Texas, Cruz is ahead at 39 percent – followed by Trump at 26 percent, Rubio at 16 percent, Carson at 8 percent and Kasich at 6 percent.

Marco Rubio at a rally in Kennesaw Ga. on Feb. 27 2016