
Biden At DNC: ‘Donald Trump Doesn’t Have A Clue’

“I know what Hillary is passionate about”, he said. “Hillary understands that for years millions of people went to bed staring at the ceiling thinking, ‘Oh, my god, what do I do if I get breast cancer?”


“He has done a great job trying to help us take back the Senate”, he said.

He quipped that unlike Trump, he didn’t start his business empire with a “million dollar check from my father”. “Harry!” from the audience, Reid slammed the party that selected “con man” Trump as its candidate.

Needless to say, Trump is no Eisenhower.

He further claimed that even Republicans know this, “and we simply can not let [him be elected], period”.

“The bottom line is: Trump is a risky, reckless and radical choice”. Tim Kaine, spoke Wednesday, and aides note he is well-regarded across his state, including in some rural, Republican pockets.

He made a case that Americans should trust Clinton.

“I trust Hillary Clinton with our son’s life”, Kaine said. “You know who I don’t trust?”

“You can not believe one word that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth. This is a man of character”, he said and added that the Obamas are family.

Responding to reports that Russian Federation may have hacked Democratic party emails, Trump said he hopes Russian Federation will find emails Clinton says she deleted from her years as secretary of state.

“The richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy”.

But when Biden first stepped on the stage last night, it was obvious the incumbents would get their revenge – adoration and enthusiasm from the delegates. Think about that for a moment. Biden said that Trump “betrays our values” and makes it harder for the United States to defeat Islamic State militants.

“It’s inconceivable to me that any presidential candidate would be this irresponsible”, he said. “Donald Trump calls it a divided crime scene that only he can fix”.

During his remarks, some Bernie Sanders supporters began to chant “No More War!” but were drowned out by counter chants of “USA, USA”.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg denounced Trump as a “dangerous demagogue” and said his fellow New York billionaire was little more than a con artist with a well-documented record of bankruptcies. Joe Biden (D-DE) during day three of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the Pepsi Center August 27, 2008 in Denver, Colorado.

The FBI recommended not to bring criminal charges against Clinton earlier this month related to her private email server.

The Democratic National Convention speaker’s lineup has highlighted an increasingly diverse country that could soon elect the first female president to succeed its first black chief executive. She’s the favorite to win anyway, but Biden would’ve crushed Trump. “But Hillary’s been in the room; she’s been part of those decisions”.

Saunders says both parties are “playing wedge and identity politics” on guns, gay rights and other issues. “I see a younger generation full of energy and new ideas, unconstrained by what is, and ready to seize what ought to be”.


“I don’t know where you are, kid, but you are incredible”, Biden told Mrs. Obama, who was watching Wednesday’s convention proceedings from her mother’s house in Chicago.

Vice President Joe Biden talks to students from Eagle Academy for Young Men during a walk at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday. He speaks Wednesday night