
Biden backs Clinton; VP, Warren call Trump comments ‘racist’

Sources familiar with Warren’s thinking say the senator is treading cautiously entering into 2016 waters, planning to put the full backing of her progressive star power behind Hillary Clinton – but is also eager to avoid the appearance of pushing out Sen.


“I’m deeply rooted within the Mexican cultural and it’s never been a problem for me to say that I’m Mexican-American, I’ve never had a problem with it until I made a decision to vote for Donald Trump”, said Avila. On Tuesday, Trump stopped short of apologizing for his comments, adding, “I do not feel that one’s heritage makes them incapable of being impartial”.

Gov. Susana Martinez on Thursday joined other high-profile Republicans around the nation in criticizing Donald Trump’s recent comments that called into question the impartiality of a Mexican-American judge.

“The guy’s a stone cold loser, a choker”, Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, said at a rally in Tampa, Fla. “I mean give me a break”, he said at the rally. And I couldn’t more strongly condemn that. It is more acceptable for the Veep-to-be to be relentlessly vicious rather than articulating a vision for America all of the time.

According to Corasaniti, Trump listed a few possible candidates, including former IN basketball head coach Bobby Knight, NFL quarterbacks Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger, NASCAR chairman and CEO Brian France and UFC president Dana White.

Biden, for his part, was less combative than Warren in his criticism of Trump. He will vote for Trump, he said, but, “I don’t endorse people that bash judges – based on his ethnic heritage”.

Perhaps the most important of the modern traditional duties of the person occupying the VP slot on a presidential ticket is being the attack dog that one’s party unleashes on the other’s nominee at the top of the ticket. His campaign issued a statement on Tuesday indicating that the candidate would stop talking about the judge, but the statement placed blame the media for misconstruing his words.


Either way, Collins appears to be withholding her support of Trump indefinitely, even as others in her party – including U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk of IL – who have said they will never support him. They like Trump’s message of fixing the economy and reworking the country’s foreign policy, which he says involves outdated treaties, bad decisions in the Middle East and a lack of toughness.
