
Biden’s late son urged him to run for US presidency

But as the deadline for his “end of summer” decision gets closer, he must come to terms with the fact that it’s not likely going to happen.


The widespread fondness for Biden in Democratic circles does not change the challenging political realities with which he would be faced, however.

CLINTON IS POPULAR WITH DEMS Despite some erosion, two recent surveys showed Clinton’s favorability with Democrats remains in the 70s, about 30 points higher than among everyone polled.

The remarks provide a pretty clear representation of Clinton’s mindset as the likely Democratic nominee: Her past decisions don’t matter and she is unwilling to take strong positions until she’s elected.

Among Democrats, however, Clinton is the preferred leader, with 44 percent saying she would make a better president.

Vice President Joe Biden’s sister says the Biden family has not been getting together on whether he should run for president. In 1987, he was exposed for plagiarizing speeches from British Labour politician Neil Kinnock – right down to anecdotes about Kinnock’s family. She is now facing a minor challenge from the Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

The vice president undoubtedly would be playing catch-up against Clinton, who has amassed millions of dollars in donations, has reeled in several Biden supporters, and has an overwhelming lead in Demoratic polls.

Biden has yet to rule out a presidential run, and recent reports suggest that the vice president and his advisers have started actively exploring a bid as Hillary Clinton’s favorable and honesty ratings continue to fall.

VICE PRESIDENTS USUALLY LOSE Sitting vice presidents have a poor track record seeking the presidency. With the personalities involved and a story as good as the standoff between an incumbent president’s secretary of state and his vice president, there’s no reason to believe the Biden talk will ever fade completely, at least not until each state has finished printing its ballots next year. Democrats strongly support Obama, but his overall support is tepid. And then, of course, there was this tear-jerker from Maureen Dowd, reporting on a purported conversation between Biden and his son Beau before the younger Biden passed away in May. Clinton will be 68 in October, but would be a political ground-breaker.


America’s great national need for an endless supply of candidates running for president helps too. He was 74. Whatever his motives or her problems, this could produce a backlash if he won the nomination, especially among independents and moderate Republican women she hopes to attract. The spots are part of an effort to reintroduce one of the country’s biggest political celebrities as a progressive fighter who understands the struggles of the average American. He isn’t a clean break from the Obama years, nor is he so much more identified with Obama than Clinton that he would get a bigger boost than she would if the economy starts to soar heading into November 2016.

A JULY 21 2015 FILE