
Biden says can’t trust Trump with nuclear launch codes

“The man is totally irresponsibly”, Biden said.


Vice President Joe Biden made an impassioned case against Donald Trump’s character on Thursday, saying the GOP nominee didn’t understand the burdens faced by everyday families, especially when someone loses a job.

In his remarks, Biden pointed to the advantages Trump had been given in his life.

“It’s not his cockamamie policies, it’s the way he treats people”, Biden said during a campaign stop for Hillary Clinton in Warren, Ohio.

According to the Clinton campaign, Biden will “lay out the high stakes of November’s election and urge Ohioans to support Clinton and her vision for an America that is stronger together, with an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top”.

“This is the guy who doesn’t know that Russian troops have already come across the border and annexed Crimea”, Biden said. He described how Trump naming President Barack Obama the “founder of [the terror group] ISIS” potentially jeopardized the safety of American lives overseas.

Donald Trump promises he can help African-American voters, but ahead of his first-ever trip to a black church in Detroit, a new report paints a picture of a clearly nervous campaign.

“I don’t think he’s a bad guy, but he’s totally and completely uninformed”, Biden said.

This message was perhaps specifically tailored to one of Hillary Clinton’s demographic weak spots: white working class men.


US Vice president Joe Biden placated a heckler who barracked him during a speech on the Middle East him shouting: “My friend died!” “They’re scared to death with good reason that Russian Federation will cross the border and annex them like they did Crimea”, Biden said.
