Biden called out in response. His wife, Jill, has never relished political life and is said to share his misgivings about whether the Bidens are emotionally equipped for another campaign.
Calling for an end to tax breaks for the very rich, Biden told the gathered workers that “we can eliminate that tax cut, put everybody in community college who wanted to go and cut the deficit by $4 billion a year“. In that case, she said, “I’m jumping ship”. The vice president and favorite son of Delaware continues to mull a run for president. “But to have him come out here hugging all these people and all“, he said.
“You’re the only ones who have the power to keep the barbarians from the gate”, Biden told the crowd, even though his remarks made clear the barbarians had crashed through long ago.
“Beau was always a part of those deliberations, and they are grieving terribly”, Sloan said. Nothing is worse than the what-ifs – ‘What if I did run? During a speech before a few hundred steelworkers, Biden said the media liked to portray him as a populist.
Biden and Trumka also met last month in private.
If Biden runs, he might well toughen Clinton up and round out the much-needed debate on real issues.
Ferson noted Biden wouldn’t be the first candidate to announce late in the season. Cheney, one of the worst vice presidents in US history, is touting Biden because he thinks Biden might hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances of being the Democratic nominee.
“I’ve traveled, as of today, 992,894 miles”, as vice president, Biden said on Thursday.
“Without you I not only would have been standing here, but without you I would not have gotten the education I did, I would not have gotten out of the neighborhood”.
So far, however, he’s offering no new clues on whether he’ll get into the race.
As many people around the country had Labor Day off and relaxed, several presidential candidates were out on the campaign trail.
“The factor is can I do it. Can my family undertake what is an arduous commitment that we’d be proud to undertake in ordinary circumstances?” But nobody should listen to anything Cheney says about Biden or anything else.
Weighing heavily is Beau’s wish, conveyed before his death, for his father to run.
Eizenstat said he asked Biden’s staff before the event if he could broach the topic of 2016 during the public question-and-answer session that followed Biden’s lecture. “My mom”, he interjected. “And it covers all facets”.
Hillary Clinton unveiled another Iowa politician’s endorsement on Monday, this one catered to the same group of voters that Vice President Joe Biden is cultivating as he mulls a presidential run. If the vice-president is going to run, however, he has the time to change-up his message, to shift strategy.
That brings out lots of politicians, like Katie McGinty and Joe Sestak, Democrats who are running for U.S. Senate next year.