
‘Big Brother’ 18 Spoilers: Will Paul And Nicole Be In F2?

I want him to win, so Big Brother never goes the way I want it to.


Tonight is the last day of any weekend that the “Big Brother” houseguests this season are going to be around, and after watching how many of them handled this, we’re starting to feel like Wednesday could not be here fast enough. At the head of household competition, Paul secured safety and a spot in the final three with a win. James would vote for Nicole if Paul were the one to evict him. Now Paul and Nicole will battle during the finale show and the victor will go to the final vote and decide who will be in the other seat against them.

Her “big move” was getting Michelle out in week 10 and if she gets Paul out in final three, that’ll be her other big move.

Who among the final three is in the best spot to win and who is in the worst?

What do you think Paul’s chances are for winning Big Brother 18? However, there are some guesses that it was a comp that included a rope, which Paul was much better at than James and Nicole.

Regardless, we really hoped that James would man up and fight for the chance to face off in the last round of the final Head of Household Competition to determine who would get to choose which house guests end up in the Final Two.

Which “Big Brother 18” Final 2 deal will prevail?


By the sound of it, Paul and Nicole will likely be taking each other to the end, but it’s much more hard to tell if Nicole is truly interested in bringing Paul over James. Julie said Nicole was loyal to only Corey and said, “I didn’t like her being a snake”. To me, James is the more easy victory, but he doesn’t think he deserves to be there. As such, it has become clear that Paul wants to bring Nicole to the Final 2 with him. Maybe he didn’t have the best social game, but he made the right choice in staying loyal to Paul, which got him much further than he might have gone with other loyalties. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, “America’s Favorite” will be decided by a vote amongst fans of the show. The victor will be announced on Wednesday, September 21 at 9:30pm on CBS. Still, that’s just three votes and not almost enough to win Big Brother 18. Who would you like to see in the F2? According to Big Brother’s official Facebook page, 23-year-old clothing designer Paul Abrahamian is the favorite to win. Post your predictions in the comments section below.

Victor Arroyo and Julie Chen on Big Brother